Opeth & Booze

Absinthe is nice tasting, strong and green but far too expensive, Tennants and Carlsberg Special Brew are great however, taste like shit but boy do they get you pissed as a drunk on a lonely christmas.

I'm setting up my home brew kit at the moment, and a batch is on the go, its (hopefully) gonna be bitter and it's gonna be cheap as chips. Partay! Now all I need to do is get some weed growing in my back yard and the world is my oyster
try PIKUR (пикур) http://piwo-ua.narod.ru/Travel/SpezSPbfiles/pikur_nostalgie.jpg[/IMG
or Jigulevskoe (жигулевское)[IMG]http://www.krvostok.ru/ru/catalog/img/zhigulevskoe_sv.gif. just about $0.5 for a bottle.
or a Guinness (made in St. Petersburg, Russia) real SHIT.