Opeth & Booze

Deadlift said:
Du får nog öva lite mer på svenskan. ;)

mm .. Det får jag, jag vet.. men det var tidigt på morgonen och jag hade inte sovit.. men, om jag vill bo i Sverige nästa år som jag ska, öva måste jag mycke! men öl..

I like a European beer.. enjoy(ed) Beck's (before it joined Corona at the metro beer of the year awards), Heineken, Carslberg, don't partcularly like Stellas.. you Belgians are gunna haveta redeem yourselves when I'm in Belgium next year! ... but I just stick with the Aussie beers mainly: Victoria Bitter in particular, but Carlton Draught when off tap.. just like any other Australian bloke!

edit: I forgot to mention the good Australian beers, the premiums: Crown Lager (which is just an expensive version of VB, imo, James Boags - pretty much any; Premium, Stout, Draught, any made by the silly in-bred Tasmanians (that's for you, Psycroptipath), Swan Lager, Blue Beer (ok, I made that one up).. There's some nice Australian beers.. go down well in the coming summer months..
I think Tiger has to be near the top of the beer mountain, those orientals know there malt & hops.
Unfortunately New Zealand beer tastes like sugary piss, so i gotta stick to the imported.
alaykumu-salam to u too
I love all beers from the Stone brewery in California, especially Arrogant Bastrard and Double Bastard. Dogfish Head, Ayinger, Starr Hill, and some Paulaner's are great as well.


-Vintersorg- said:
mm .. Det får jag, jag vet.. men det var tidigt på morgonen och jag hade inte sovit.. men, om jag vill bo i Sverige nästa år som jag ska, öva måste jag mycke! men öl..

Well if you haven't been to Sweden for a longer period of time, or studied Swedish - Then I'm impressed! Keep up the good work... try translating "Mordet i Grottan" :)

od Australian beers, the premiums: Crown Lager (which is just an expensive version of VB, imo, James Boags - pretty much any; Premium, Stout, Draught, any made by the silly in-bred Tasmanians (that's for you, Psycroptipath), Swan Lager, Blue Beer (ok, I made that one up).. There's some nice Australian beers.. go down well in the coming summer months..

haha! when mentioning Aussie beers I just recalled my months in Australia - heavily influenced by Victoria Bitter. What a great (cheap, that is) beer! :hotjump:
Liquid Diamonds said:
Anyone else like Absinthe? I drink it all the time, it's goooooooood!
ah dude....I went camping once and had that. We ending up blowing it out our mouths onto fire....that was cool....nasty hangover though
The word, "Absinthe" means "Undrinkable" really it does!!

It also rots the brain, it is said.

I never touch the stuff.

Still rebuilding my mind following the Opeth gig in London on September 8th :D

Must get ready to VHS BBC2 in a moment :)
Good point, reminded me its on... well, here goes I guess! Lets hope its good! or at least funny, or at least worth the licence fee we pay!