Opeth & Booze


Boozehound & metalhead...
Oct 14, 2005
Melbourne, Australia
Mike says his favourite beer is Carlsberg. I've never had it and I'm interested what people think of it, is it worth buying a case?

What are peoples favourite alcoholic drinks?

Oh yeah I bought a new Heineken 5 litre portable keg, anyone tried one of those before? It's in the fridge at the moment and I'm eagerly waiting for it to get cold :hotjump: !!!
I'm not really a beer man myself but in terms of liquor I really think Ciroc vodka is the best I've ever had. It mixes well with about anything but I really like it with some Red Bull or for making a Screwdriver. As far as beer goes I really liked Hop Devil, Duck-Rabbit, Dogfish Head, and Cottonwood's Low Down Brown ale.
Benighted Joe said:
Make sure you order "Sort Guld", that are
the ones with black coloured cans, before you ask.

Carlsberg only comes in bottles over here I think, I only think there is one type here too and I'm not sure if it is "Sort Guld" or not...
If I have the honour of meeting the Guys that are Opeth in London next week, 30th, I will try to introduce them to the English real ale known as "Fullers London Pride."

However, years and years ago when I used to hang in the "Hard Rock Cafe" at Hyde Park Corner London, all I drank in there was, "Carlsberg 68," Mmmm very nice. :D

I think it has now all gone, correct me if this is wrong.

I have now aquired the taste for English Real Ale.

Give it a go if your ever over here friends across the pond and in Europe.

Cheers and Good Health to you all. :headbang:
dishcloth said:
Mike says his favourite beer is Carlsberg.

I mean, come on guys! Mike's favourite beer...! o_O

What kind of forum is this?!

Soon you'll even ask what brand of shoe-laces he uses!! :worship:

No disrespect, Dishcloth, but - Please get back on track!! Opeth is about music - right?!?!
no belgian beers have been mentioned?? but it's the best beer in the world ....
for simple ones, try jupiler, stella artois, geuze, straffe hendrik. for the more sofisticated ones ;) try for example: Duvel, Leffe, Westmalle, Chimay, Kasteelbier, .... there are hundreds of sorts here! ;) if you want good beer, come to belgium :D
perhaps next time opeth are here, we should give them a basket of different sorts ;) I think they'll stop by here more from then on! ;)
riffboy, good point.
Also it is so unusual to read people asking about Carlsberg and Heineken. I mean, these are like the most popular brands all over Europe. And then there are dozen of local beers in each country. Just to make everyone jealous, a half-litre (not a pint) of decent beer costed me 30-70 pence (up to 1,50 in Irish Pubs though) back home in Lativa.
Cheers everyone!
Carlsberg is ok, I like Stella....and classy beers like Cobra, Tiger, Coors and this new ale I found called Aran. :loco:
dishcloth said:
Mike says his favourite beer is Carlsberg. I've never had it and I'm interested what people think of it, is it worth buying a case?

What are peoples favourite alcoholic drinks?

Oh yeah I bought a new Heineken 5 litre portable keg, anyone tried one of those before? It's in the fridge at the moment and I'm eagerly waiting for it to get cold :hotjump: !!!

Carlsberg beer is my best freind along with Tuborg and the cheap-ass Odin beer. it´s all good anyway. didn´t even know Mike prefered a Danish beer, though I guess lot´s of Swedes do.
Odin beer! Yay. that's a proper name for a beer. The funniest spirit title ive seen so far was Tchekov vodka some student bought last year. Made in Britain, cheap and low quality. with that Tchekov guy being a classical Russian writer. Or it might be Napoleon brandy. Cheap and disgusting as well.
For Beer I like Guiness, Harpoon Winter Warmer & Sam Adams Octoberfest

Red Wine I'd go with Merlot or Pinot Noir from the Napa Valley

20 Yr Old Port

Ouzo 12

Vodka, I'm an Absolut guy

Gin I'd go with Tanqueray 10

My All-Time fav is probably Private Stock Captain Morgan

Carlsberg is ok
I remember Nasturo Assuro (sp?) being a nice beer - It's Italian i do believe and i was getting them down me pretty fast! I'm more of a cider fan personally. I like Stella Artois and Kronenbourg too.