Opeth CALIFORNIA gigs anyone???

I'll be in SAN DIEGO with like 8 or 9 others.
Hopefully the sound will be better this time around.
I'm not crazed about how I'm gonna look for the show...
Maybe I'll wear my AFI shirt with some eye liner and glitter on my face
I'm going...of course! :D

edited to say: I just saw who the opening band is... Class of Zero ...yuk...I guess they needed a band to match Devil Driver...I don't think I'll be rushing to get to the show on time (unless you want to hang out?)...and what the hell? There's tons of GOOD bands in the Bay Area and they choose a band from Simi Valley? Who in the hell booked this tour for Opeth??
Hey I'm going to the Hollywood show with a couple people. I'm new to this board and Opeth (and metal); I'm really in love with Opeth, so I hope to have a good time. Oh and I also live in Santa Barbara, I go to UCSB. I'm sure we have room for another person bball, if you don't have a ride. Email me.
Triste said:
I'm going...of course! :D

edited to say: I just saw who the opening band is... Class of Zero ...yuk...I guess they needed a band to match Devil Driver...I don't think I'll be rushing to get to the show on time (unless you want to hang out?)...and what the hell? There's tons of GOOD bands in the Bay Area and they choose a band from Simi Valley? Who in the hell booked this tour for Opeth??

WEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE! Chickie, you MUST call me since I don't have your new phone number! Every time I am trying to figure out my schedule around this, I think, I gotta get ahold of Triste! An Opeth gig here without you would not be the same. And, I think I'm gonna try to borrow my co-worker's digital camera again. :D If I have to work that day (I am still not sure, our schedules are confusing right now since my coworker broke his driving ankle and won't be back till Feb 29), then I won't get there till RIGHT when Moonspell starts (if they are supporting). You'll have to save a spot in front if that happens and they don't get a pit this time (I think they will though). I'll keep you posted. If I do have the day off, you BETTER get there earlier! haha I believe Class of Zero are only for the Southern California gigs... I'll try and find out for sure. :wave: :wave:
Squeak said:
WEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE! Chickie, you MUST call me since I don't have your new phone number!
I'm pm-ing it to you now! :D

And, I think I'm gonna try to borrow my co-worker's digital camera again.
Yes! We definitely need more pics! I hope you find that cd from the Fillmore show soon! Good times! :dopey:

...haha I believe Class of Zero are only for the Southern California gigs... I'll try and find out for sure. :wave: :wave:
They are listed on both Ticketmaster's email alert thingie and on the Fillmore site...
I think I may have met you at the Galaxy show.. I met a woman there that knew the band really well..and had been at that point following them around for awhile i believe.. but I have forgotten her name.. ... doh!

I was there with my brother matt.

anyhow.. I will see ya there!!
I think I may have met you at the Galaxy show.. I met a woman there that knew the band really well..and had been at that point following them around for awhile i believe.. but I have forgotten her name.. ... doh!

That may have been Anngi (redblueyes on the BB)...she's accompanied the guys on a number of tours...
@Lucifer - That would be easier for me to spot, but you're gonna be HOT in that!!!

@Triste - I also wondered if he might be talking about Angie but I distinctly remember talking to a couple dudes squashed in front before they went on. That's why I said I am short with long hair lol. Then they'd know for sure if it were her or me. :D