Opeth CD sales

I'm sure all the people that got BWP are going backwards and the Morningrise and Orchid (if it's still produced) sales should probably jump a abit.

Opeth just aren't one of those bands that you can settle on one album with... you gotta have em all.
Originally posted by Jim LotFP

And whoever said that Horror Show is CM's biggest seller...

Stuck Mojo sold almost 70,000 copies of Rising in the US alone. I'd bet some bands did greater numbers than that in Europe.

I was thinking that actually. I'm sure bands like Moonspell and Theatre of Tragedy would probably have sold a fair few albums worldwide....
I'm thinking that Tiamat's "Wildhoney" could be their biggest seller.

Amorphis's "Tales..." sold close to or over 100,000 copies and is one of Relapse's highest seller.
Originally posted by Moonlapse
I'm sure all the people that got BWP are going backwards and the Morningrise and Orchid (if it's still produced) sales should probably jump a abit.

Opeth just aren't one of those bands that you can settle on one album with... you gotta have em all.

Most definately. I know I backtracked quite a bit. Opeth's BWP also got a large feature in Kerrang! once, and EVERY self-hating alternative punk/nu-metal junkie reads that piece of crap. Come to think of it, they reviewed Nile's last album in the latest Kerrang! too. How weird.
It's really hard to gauge what a band actually sells anymore, between online downloading and cd burning, etc. But from what I've been told, 'Blackwater Park' sold somewhere around 18,000 to 25, 000 in the U.S. I have no idea what the international sales are like. Its quite possible that they've sold an additional 50, 000 in the rest of the world. Bands like H.I.M sell hundreds of thousands of albums in europe, but don't even break the 10, 000 mark in the States. I know the Moonspell cds havent sold over 15,000 a piece in the U.S.
Another problem with figuring out these sales figures is, bands like Opeth are sold, to a large degree, through mail-order companies and smaller "mom n pop" record stores, and none of which usually use Soundscan. Even though Soundscan is supposedly modified to try to account for alot of the unregistered sales, when it comes to the underground acts I am sure it can't be nearly accurate enough.
Also, even if a band like Opeth has sold 100,000 copies of a disc, you'd be surprised at how little revenue that actually accounts for in terms of paying the band members. Most underground bands, even the extremely popular ones, have day jobs. I do believe that some Euro musicians can collect some form of revenue from the government though, almost like a musicians welfare or something...
Which makes me think that relocating to Sweden might not be a bad idea at this rate! hehehehe
Well, I don't really care about sales figures. The more mainstream albums which I, for the most part, despise...have sold millions upon millions of albums because they are marketed well beyond words. So yeah, sales don't make an album great.

Like, who gives a shit that Michael Jackson's Thriller sold 50 million worldwide!? The album is nothing to ME....and, Metallica's Black album sold 9 million domestiaclly - I don't think it's better than any of the Opeth CD's. Personally, I prefer Metallica's older work....

Anyway, it's kinda unfortunate that Opeth only sells a few thousands of copies....though, they'll never have a platinum album that's for sure, even though they're getting bigger by every new release. But, I kinda like it the way it is....can you imagine walking down the street and everyone is wearing Opeth shirts or Opeth logos on school bags? (think Korn/Slipknot....that would kinda drag the image I think....)
Yeah I certainly don't want Opeth to get really popular. I'd like it if they sold a lot though. These guys write music and if anyone deserves to be able to retire at 40 after a successful musical career, these guys do.