Opeth DVD premiere in London

I'm going straight from work and will be the one who looks like a photographer lol
Sitting in the front row with an odd looking blonde 17 year old. :)
I'm going straight from sitting around being stoned eating cookies and will be the one looking apathetic with blue bits in my hair, in case anyone recognizes me
no idea where I'm sitting but I'm going there with 3 other people
"Get ready for the best movie you have ever seen."
Good time, I really thought there would be more people there to be honest. That was one hell of a show they put on at the Roundhouse.
I held onto the DVD until I got on the tube but the autographs still got a little smudged.
Mikael asked how I was and I told him I saw the Queen earlier that night and she might be a fan of Opeth.
"Get ready for the best movie you have ever seen."
Good time, I really thought there would be more people there to be honest. That was one hell of a show they put on at the Roundhouse.
I held onto the DVD until I got on the tube but the autographs still got a little smudged.
Mikael asked how I was and I told him I saw the Queen earlier that night and she might be a fan of Opeth.


So how many people were there? how was it?
it was indeed pretty quiet.. lots of empty seats-and the cinema isn't very big to begin with.
Had a little chat with Mikael and told him i sold my opeth ticket in favour of the Sigor Ros gig-which he thought was a good choice, but made me promise that i will come to see them next time they play. <3
It's very surreal watching a gig on the big screen!
I got 2 signatures on the little leaflet thing before we realized their pens weren't working too well, so I got the other 3 signatures on the little postcard thing which is now stuck to my wall. wish I'd realized that pens + glossy things = fail before i'd gone up. should have brought a CD really but I didn't think.

Still felt a bit ill and i didn't really get into it until TNATSW came on. It was cool to meet the band, and I told Mikael that I masturbate furiously to his vocals on Brave Murder Day and Sounds of Decay, thanked him profusely for both of those records, and we had a little chat. I was gonna say to Martin how he's a better bass player than I am but then i thought I'd look silly so i just shook his hand and said hi.

and the gig with Cynic is coming up soon so its all good
Really enjoyed it...bit surprised like you all that there weren't more people, but, I guess that gave us a bit more time talking to the band!...had a nice guitar geek conversation with Fred about his love of gypsy jazz and 4 note per string scales.....he's a top man, really polite and actually interested and asked me questions about my own playing.

My girlfriend talked to Mike about David Coverdale, who they both love, and about his singing techique...apparently he warms up quite often with "love is all" by Dio from the "butterfly ball"..great song that..I asked him if they planned on doing more songs live from "ghost reveries" and he said that they were actually rehearsing "harlequin forest"..but, it's hard to sing and play at the same time for him..so may not happen.

In summary, they were all very pleasant to talk to, totally down to earth. I've been disappointed meeting "heroes" before, but not Opeth.

Oh, and "blackwater park" absolutely crushed souls.
Was it just the people near me (close to the back) that started trying to do the harmony vocals in Ghost of Perdition and burst out laughing?

I had a great time, got Watershed and the postcards from the DVD signed. Me and my friend were the last people to get things signed and I got a picture with all of the guys. Mike and Mendez were nice as ever and it was good to meet Fredrik for the first time too, he seems cool. I wish I'd spoken to Mike properly but hopefully I'll get to in two weeks time.
Lol, post a pic! It's a bit more personal than "Just because it's not heavy doesn't mean it's not evil" or something to that effect which I had written and autographed for my friend last time I saw them.

I'm surprised that the cinema wasn't filled up, as you guys are saying. And are there really only so few of us on this forum that live in London? I had a run-in with my boss yesterday which made me feel a bit better but still wish I could've gone. Oh well, Cynic and Opeth in one on the 20th. Hope I can get to meet both - chancs of that?
I'm going straight from work and will be the one who looks like a photographer lol
Sitting in the front row with an odd looking blonde 17 year old. :)
Hold on a minute.. Racist!

It was a fun evening.. Axe is definitly the coolest member!!

came in the post today (!)