Opeth Fans


Είμαι Oι Mαύροι Mάγοι.
Oct 6, 2001
New Orleans, LA
I would like to designate the term of an Opeth fan as "Opethite". Personally, I think it sounds better than Opethian, and it also sounds archaic. Better than Opethese. I also heard a joke from someone why Opeth has that name. He told me they were originally "Opus" but a faggot in the studio called them "Opeth".:heh:
opeth are named after a city in a wilbur smith book (the sunbird i think??) opet. Mikael just added the h on the end cos it sounds good
Heheh, yeah why not. I think "Opethian" is more of an adjective than a name for an Opeth fan.

Main Entry: opethian
Pronunciation: 'O-p&thE&n
Function: adjective
Usage: often capitalized
Date: 2001
1 : of or relating to the city of Moon or its hypothetical inhabitants, also : a state of mind

- opethite noun

Right, you English speaking lads and lassies, care to elaborate? We can then mail Merriam-Webster. :heh:
I like Opeth Band Liker, so those bastards can yell at you "Hey Opeth Band Liker! You like them Opeth's? Well do you?" In conclusion I'm going with "Opeth Band Liker"
Originally posted by Demonspell
I use the adjective Opethian too much, so I'm definitely not changing it...and the alternatives only work as nouns, we couldn't say "all things Opethite"...

As far as I understood, this topic was initially about finding a noun (a synonym) for "an Opeth Fan", right? Not replacing the adjective Opethian.. :confused: