Opeth in Paris , who was there ?? ur opinion !!

so how was this opeth gig !!

  • My best Opeth gig ever !

    Votes: 2 22.2%
  • A good Opeth gig

    Votes: 2 22.2%
  • An average Opeth gig

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • A baaaaadddddd One :mad:

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • The worst Opeth gig I ever went to ! fuck'em

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I dunno, I didnt go to that one since I dont live in your fucken 'kebabs and racailles' country :mad

    Votes: 4 44.4%
  • what's Opeth ???? is it a short word for Hopeless ?

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • What time is it again ?

    Votes: 1 11.1%

  • Total voters


Don't mean nothin'
Dec 9, 2001
A Nation on Fire
It was awesome !!! Despite the fucking waste of time between the two opening acts that almost made me miss the last train going home and furthermore the opening acts were pretty boring!!

The setlist was (in no order)

A fair Judgegment
Lepper Affinity
Drappery Falls
Godhead's Laments
Creedence ( amazing version - amazing ending )
Demon of the Fall ( encore )

And i think that's all as far as I remember

The crowd was pretty warm and mad for an Opeth show. last time i saw them everyone was on cloud nine with eyes closed like at church :lol
But this time the setlist was pretty heavy and there was some nice moshers and slammers hehe.
Strange that the atmosphere was so different only one year after the last Paris show
Concerning the performance itself, they needed a couple songs to really get into it but after that it became a crazy show. Mike's voice was almost perfect especially in the beginning but most of the clean vocals parts were in the songs at the end of the show so his vocals cords were beginning to get a little bit tired since the setlist was damn heavy with a lot of growls
The sound quality was ok tho i think the guitars deserved to have a little less dirty sound and to be higher in terms of sound level. I noticed the incredible work both guitarist have done concerning their sounds and effects and the stage presence became better better at the end of the show ! nice
The lights were ok , nothng special to mention on that point ...
The rhytmic section has done its work properly , they're not here to make the show but they're fucken precise, almost surgical, well it's no news anyway

Voilà !! Allez ... one anectode to conclude, for the encore Mike came up on stage saying :
Mike : 'Are you into death metal? '
The crowd : yeahhhhhhh Bloodbath '
Mike 'Are you into BRUTAL DEATH METAL?'
Mike ' This song is called Demon of the Fall '

U Little bastard !!
i admit i was expecing some bloodbath too at the end...

And fortunately i arrived at the station 30 seconds before the last train left , hopefully Mike didnt say another sentence between two songs

I still wonder why Mader Mortem or something like that took so much time to come on stage ... furthermore to deliver such a boring show ... ok the singer is great but it's musically boring and after the two heavy opening songs , the set became boring and numb ... Maybe i should check them on CD i dunno ... i was in a bad mood cause of the 1 hour delay between the two opening acts , but maybe it wasnt their fault ??? but what's the point in announcing the beginning of a 3 bands concert at 6.30 PM to make it end at 0.15 AM !! organization suxxx arse at La Locomotive but the venue in itself is ace

What more to say ??? Wainting for Damnation

Cheers from France
I was !!!
In addition i was among the Moshers as u call them. The atmosphere was really great, and people were really fairplay;-)
Twas a great show, except having to wait 3 hours for opeth and having to listen to Mader Mortem's soup !
Twas also my first Opeth concert ;-)

I voted "a good gig".

A french Lad who really enjoyed the show

I was there too... But UNFORTUNATELY, i was forced to leave the venue at OPETH's 4th song because of the "locomotive"...

I'm still disapointed about being such late... The organisation was so fucking bad !!! 2 boring bands and only 3 opeth songs... That was my night !!! As i was forced to leave because of the train !!!

I still wonder why they planed a gig at 18h00 and why opeth started playing at 22h45 !!!

But the opeth's set was really good (as far regarding the tracks i saw). Hope to see them soon again (but not at the locomotive !!!)

ps : quelqu'un a t-il enregistré le show ? :(

that sucks ass hellforlife.i cant even begin to imagine how pissed off you must have been,fuck i dont even want to visualise about missing an opeth show.

sounds like a great gig though.
Originally posted by TheOneAndOnlySartorius
I was !!!
In addition i was among the Moshers as u call them. The atmosphere was really great, and people were really fairplay;-)
Twas a great show, except having to wait 3 hours for opeth and having to listen to Mader Mortem's soup !
Twas also my first Opeth concert ;-)

I voted "a good gig".

Nope mate, you didn't vote ! Or UM had a bug and didnt take you vote into account ;)
Indeed the organisation SUKED MAJOR ARSE ! sorry for the lad who saw only the 1st three songs ... I was wondering whether leaving before they played A Fair Judgement but i chose to Carpe Diem and wait ... they came back for an encore :lol: i was pretty anxious with that fucken train and ran non-stop from one edge of Paris to another to catch it. 30 seconds after it was leaving ...


Moreover Mader Mortem made me fall asleep ...
I was there too.

1. Everything sucks in Ellipsis : the band, the music, and the lyrics, showing the lack of inspiration. One exemple : "Dominus et Spiritus Sanctus", repeated again and again. Hails go to my earplugs, I could think about something else without being disturbed by this shit.

2. Madder Mortem sucks. I almost fell asleep, and what kept me awake was the disgust I felt every time I was looking at the singer. When I saw her arrive on the stage, I thought "OMG, Monica Lewinsky has gained weight". But their music bored me at such a point that my earplugs helped me once again.

3. La Locomotive organisation sucks : Ellipsis started their show at 8:00 PM instead of 6:30 PM, we waited as much as one hour between Ellipsis and Madder Mortem, and Opeth finally started at 10:35 PM.

4. Opeth rules. That's not a big surprise, but I have to say it : these guys deserve to be worshipped ( :notworthy @ Opeth ). The setlist was exactly the same as in the US :

The Leper Affinity
The Drapery Falls
Godheads Lament
A Fair Judgement

Demon of The Fall (encore)

Almost everything was perfect, except the fact that, in my opinion, Opeth deserved a better sound : there was too much saturation, and the drums were a little low. Fortunately, Mikael's growls were godlike, and it was such a delight...

I would say it was a very good gig, but I would have prefered to see Novembre and Katatonia opening for Opeth (which happened in the same place a little more than one year ago, though I could not attempt this :mad: - I'd like to thank the French Army)
Originally posted by northern_blaze
I was there too.

1. Everything sucks in Ellipsis : the band, the music, and the lyrics, showing the lack of inspiration. One exemple : "Dominus et Spiritus Sanctus", repeated again and again. Hails go to my earplugs, I could think about something else without being disturbed by this shit.

2. Madder Mortem sucks. I almost fell asleep, and what kept me awake was the disgust I felt every time I was looking at the singer. When I saw her arrive on the stage, I thought "OMG, Monica Lewinsky has gained weight". But their music bored me at such a point that my earplugs helped me once again.

3. La Locomotive organisation sucks : Ellipsis started their show at 8:00 PM instead of 6:30 PM, we waited as much as one hour between Ellipsis and Madder Mortem, and Opeth finally started at 10:35 PM.

I would say it was a very good gig, but I would have prefered to see Novembre and Katatonia opening for Opeth (which happened in the same place a little more than one year ago, though I could not attempt this :mad: - I'd like to thank the French Army)


Indeed the Novembre/Kata/Opeth gig was better cause there was Kata and November as support but the Opeth gig in itself was better this time and BTW , Kata is coming back to Paris !!! MAY 1st !! at La locomotive again :cry: *FINGERS CROSSED FOR NO SUPPORT ACTS* :lol:
Since I wasn't there one year ago, this was my best Opeth gig ever : I can't make any comparison.
But you're right : No support acts rule more than what I saw Sunday evening.
As i was unable to see all the OPETH gig, i wonder if i can go to another OPETH French date...

Does anybody here will go to the RENNES or LILLE date ?

Perhaps we could go in number to support OPETH ?


One my friend who often go to the Loco for concerts, advises me to come at 7.15pm (on the ticket was written 6.30pm). We met in front of the Loco and drank beer;-)
When we entered the room, twas nearly 8pm and nothing had happened.
As he told me, the lack of organisation seems to be a recurrent issue at the Locomotive. Concerts always starts with one hour late, and so on...
must have been harsh for the guy who left after 4 opeth's songs.

After all, it's well known that trains are often late !
In addition, after waiting 3 hours for Opeth, people were so impatient that when the Band came on stage the crowd was really crazy and the ambiance was truly great. I wonder if this kind of neverending suspens wasn't the best thing a band could hope...when, of course, true fans are in the crowd !

I voted, and this time i think it worked.

En effet je me demande bien si qqun a enregistré le concert...
@ The one who voted for 'what time is it again ?' : 1.05 AM here in Paris ! :wave:

I dunno if anyone recorded the show but since the room was full there must have been at least 4 or 5 minidiscs running ;)
And I've seen many cameras in the room too :confused:
I also wonder when Opeth will play the Elysee Montmartre , I4m sure the venue would be full and there you can be sure concerts end at 10.30 PM because of noise problems :lol:

That's the only problem with The E.M , noise limitations are drastic !