Opeth is dead

I respect (most of the time) anyone's subjective opinion, but anyone that says "this Opeth album is crappy, lame" or "they haven't put out a decent album since..." type comments needs to slap themselves in the face, take a cold shower, slam a cup of coffee (black as death and strong as love), punch themselves in the taint/nuts/vulva/etc (for good measure) and listen to "those" albums at least 18 times in a row before passing further judgment.


Example based on my own experience: My Opeth "breakthrough" album was Blackwater park (back in 2002), after hearing "Demon of the Fall" on a comp my friend made for me. Blackwater Park was the only album available at the specific store I went to, so that's the one I got. I listened to that album several times and wasn't quite sure if I liked it. After about 8 complete listens, I concluded that it was probably the greatest metal album ever written, and then proceeded to overwhelm my friends and family with the album like a crazed religious nutbag.

My wife bought me Still Life in Xmas of 2002. I listened to it a couple of times and thought... "gee, this isn't very good, especially compared to BP. I'd rather listen to Blackwater Park, because it's WAY better." 1.5 months later of listening to Blackwater Park repeatedly, I thought to myself "self, it took you 8 listens before you decided that Blackwater Park was the greatest metal album ever written... Maybe you should go back and give Still Life another shot."

So, I listened to Still Life everyday on the way to/from work (45 minutes both ways). After 5 days, I concluded that Still Life was almost as good, if not equally as good, as Blackwater Park - (like choosing which one of your kids or pets is your favorite).

After this realization, I've always reminded myself that each new Opeth release will get its fair chance... Since then, I've enjoyed every release. Even though I may still think Blackwater Park is the greatest metal album of all time, there are GREAT songs included on each and every Opeth album, period.

Naysayers, go back and study. I guarantee you'll find gold where you once found crap.


PS - Per the original message. Ghost Reveries is a modern day masterpiece. Go back and study.
i stopped posting here because of all idiocy that came along after opeth got so hyped, but it really pisses me off that people underestimate peter or martins importance. sure mikael wrote most of the stuff, but it wouldnt sound nearly the same with other people. If you listen to each persons guitar tone, or when they make a vibrato, its like a musical fingerprint. Also, didnt lopez say he writes like 90% of all drums on opeth?
i stopped posting here because of all idiocy that came along after opeth got so hyped, but it really pisses me off that people underestimate peter or martins importance. sure mikael wrote most of the stuff, but it wouldnt sound nearly the same with other people. If you listen to each persons guitar tone, or when they make a vibrato, its like a musical fingerprint. Also, didnt lopez say he writes like 90% of all drums on opeth?

Idiocy is what prevented me from posting here in the first place, but hey... This is an internet forum, there are idiots, but there are also bright, informed and awesome fans as well, just like all other forums regardless of the subject.

Regarding the drums, Mikael stated in an interview that he normally writes the basic drums, then Lopez would take those ideas and embellish them with his own style.

Of course Lindgren and Lopez were/are an integral components of the Opeth sound and they'll be missed, but does anyone really think Mikael would settle for crappy replacements? Hell no! Based on Axe's abilities, it sounds like he's playing the existing material perfectly, and it truly will be exciting to hear how his own style takes the band to the next level, as he's an incredible drummer and has similar musical roots to Mikael. I don't really know much about Fredrik Åkesson, but if Mikael selected him as a replacement and also commented that he's one of the top 3 metal guitarists in Sweden, you have to sit back with a little ease knowing that Mikael made the best decision for Opeth.

Everyone needs to stop worrying and speculating and just be comfortable knowing that the next Opeth album is going to be awesome.

Also, what's the big deal about someone getting a haircut? Drop the elitist, longhair bullshit, people.
Where did you hear that? I've heard nobody say anything elitist about it. Please, read before making assumptions.

idd, we were just pointing out the fact that he shaved his head .... things will look so different during their next tour :)
undoubtedly a new opeth, but hey, look at the great ones like Black Sabbath or Deep Purple, they had radical changes at well, and they also turned out to be amazing at times.
if we want to write books or create dvd's on Opeth like we do about the legends in metal of the past, than they have to make changes! otherwise it will be pretty boring
GR's for me is a masterpiece... and more fitting album to live up to the post-Morningrise era than say... "Deliverance", wich IMO is the least "great" of all Opeth's albums... so after the scare I got with "Deliverance" it was refreshing to listen to the amazing music in GR. I'll go as far as to say that just like MAYH marked the beginning of a new era in Opeth... so does GR, and boy was it a brilliant way to start it.