Opeth is not for you IF:


Quiet, like a slit wrist
Jan 26, 2003
Greensboro NC
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Opeth is not for you IF:

1. You think a band should cater to your every whim;

2. You don't appreciate integrity and musicianship;

3. Your only reason for listening to metal is to pit;

4. You are a lameass fratboy-jock type who is looking to get into the next "underground" trend and impress chicks with your contrived "nonconformity";

5. You can't communicate clearly and/or intelligently;

6. You think that you can criticize a band's songwriting skills just because you "didn't like that one part on that one song".

If this sounds like you, please don't expect anyone on this board to respect your opinion about a band as amazing as Opeth. Thanks and have a great day.

NOTE: I am not addressing anyone in particular on this board with the above comment(s), more to the point I mean to direct this at anyone who might be on this board who is of the unsavory ilk that seemed to make an appearance at that Opeth show I saw recently.
Originally posted by frayededges
Opeth is not for you IF:

1. You think a band should cater to your every whim;

2. You don't appreciate integrity and musicianship;

3. Your only reason for listening to metal is to pit;

4. You are a lameass fratboy-jock type who is looking to get into the next "underground" trend and impress chicks with your contrived "nonconformity";

5. You can't communicate clearly and/or intelligently;

6. You think that you can criticize a band's songwriting skills just because you "didn't like that one part on that one song".

If this sounds like you, please don't expect anyone on this board to respect your opinion about a band as amazing as Opeth. Thanks and have a great day.

NOTE: I am not addressing anyone in particular on this board with the above comment(s), more to the point I mean to direct this at anyone who might be on this board who is of the unsavory ilk that seemed to make an appearance at that Opeth show I saw recently.

Oh please, stop the musical elitism, no one is going to give you a cookie because you listen to Opeth. People listen to Opeth because the appreciate it and people don't because they simply don't appreciate it. Don't bother deluding yourself with the image that you're somehow better because you listen to Opeth.
Originally posted by RogueSpirit
Oh please, stop the musical elitism, no one is going to give you a cookie because you listen to Opeth. People listen to Opeth because the appreciate it and people don't because they simply don't appreciate it. Don't bother deluding yourself with the image that you're somehow better because you listen to Opeth.

i'm with them on this one, i happen to the that "fratboy" but i am as much as an opeth freak as you guys, opeth is my god, they never leave my ears or my fingers when i cant listen i am playing when i cant play i am listening so dont start on the stereo-types of fratboys it just so happens that several other people in my frat love opeth as well, and NO ONE in my frat listens to rap or popular music and if they did it wouldnt matter because when does the music you listen to state who you are? well for you i'm guessing it does same for the wigga's and nigga's that listen to rap, i wish people would get past that, i have many good friends who listen to rap also many who listen to fuckin crazy ass deathmetal same as me, if people would come out of this shell and realize that you CAN find friends in other genre's, IMO you are just the same as the assholes that think that you cant enjoy rap if you dont dress like them, personally i dont like it, but i have some friends that do as well as LOVING opeth does that make them any less of a fan? if so tell me how
Since he probably mentions that frat boy prep type he's pobably some "freak" that hangs out at hot topic maing fun of preps, when they're just as shallow and fucking ignorant. The only people that I think shouldn't listen to Opeth or any such band in the underground are non-conformists, conformists. Who just listen to shit to seem like they're cool and don't give a fuck about the music.
I never implied that I was any better than anyone else "just because I listen to Opeth" in my original post. Nor did I say that ALL fratboys were stupid, I just said I didn't like the STUPID ones.

I'm not the "original" Opeth fan by any stretch of the imagination, and anyway that doesen't mean anything regardless. My point is, I've read some things and heard some things from people who call themselves Opeth fans who seem to not really have a clear picture of what Opeth is. Now we obviously all have our own interpretations, none of which may actually be correct, but many of the "converted from the mainstream" people who seem to be getting into Opeth now appear to have a distorted view of what they're about. This is bothersome to me, since anyone can easily go online and read interviews with the band, and this will help you understand who they are and why they don't give a fuck what you or I think. You either like them or you don't, and personally I like them a lot. And this is why people who fall under categories 5 and 6 especially drive me up the wall.

Elitism has nothing to do with it... the point is, some of us like the band for what it is, and we're not interested in the interpretations of people whose idea of musical criticism consists of, "I lik opeth cuz when he screams on that one song it soundz soo cool, but I don't like the words to the clean part on the third song,i think they sound lame".
Originally posted by CladInDarkness
Since he probably mentions that frat boy prep type he's pobably some "freak" that hangs out at hot topic maing fun of preps, when they're just as shallow and fucking ignorant. The only people that I think shouldn't listen to Opeth or any such band in the underground are non-conformists, conformists. Who just listen to shit to seem like they're cool and don't give a fuck about the music.

Haha, I'm a little too old to be one of those people, dude... hot topic? yecch! What a horrible place.

But I agree with what you said after that... about "conformist non-conformists"... that's exactly the type of person I directed my original post toward.
Fuck that. Anyone can listen to what they want, you're no better because you care more about music than the frat-boys or whatever. And coming on here and being an arrogant shit isn't a good way to fit in.
It was not my intention to alienate or otherwise offend anyone with this thread, but simply hoped it would be informative to those who it was directed toward. This thread hasn't gotten very many replies, so I assume most who looked at it have read the original post and thought, "well, that's not me" and moved on.

I'm not here to be arrogant, or to fit in, just expressing my disappointment on certain topics. I'm not a "flame-monger" or here to try and start trouble. In fact this is the first internet message board I've ever posted on. I'm trying to connect with those who have the same opinions as me. If you're flaming me, obviously you don't, which is fine. But I'm not here to start shit.
I think that what frayededges was saying is being read into way too much. He specifically said that it was directed towards no one in the forum at the end of the initial post. You can get mad at me if you want or whatever, I'm entitled to my opinion just as you are. I guess I am not offended cause I love Opeth and to me they make the best damn music out there. I mean yes there are a lot of other great bands I like too myself but Opeth always does it for me in everyway. Musically and lyric wise they simply have it down to an art. Anway go easy on the guy, I am sure if you fit into any of the social stereotypes he was talking about but you listen to Opeth then I bet he was not directing this towards you;). Take care all.
Thanks very much, Opethfan4life19. I appreciate that a lot.

By the way, I agree with what you said about how Opeth just clicks for you on every level. I feel the same.

Thanks again.
I know a guy...he likes only Morbid Angel, Nile, Hate Eternal, etc...more brutal death metal. He doesn't dig Opeth's clean parts, but he looooves the heavy parts. Of course, Demon of the Fall is his favorite Opeth song.

Although he doesn't dig ALL of Opeth like most people on this forum, I would not go so far as to say that he is not a fan. He really does LOVE when Opeth gets heavy.

So, does this make him an idiot? Or someone who doesn't really understand Opeth? Nope. It makes him a person with an opinion.
Originally posted by frayededges
Thanks very much, Opethfan4life19. I appreciate that a lot.

By the way, I agree with what you said about how Opeth just clicks for you on every level. I feel the same.

Thanks again.

No thanks needed dude, anytime. Glad to hear their music clicks like that for you too. Also Nugent Goes AOL I know a few people who do only like the heavier parts of Opeth. I don't think it means they are an idiot. To me it means that for them only heavier types of music can speak to them. To each their own I think.
okay i can agree with all this
BUT its like i feel you have problems with the people behaving like you discribed in your points. I mean why should you care if they do listen to Opeth?
You raise a good point. Maybe I shouldn't. It's not like it hurts me personally if they do. I dunno... the show I went to, there were a lot of people that I had never even met that I felt I could identify with. But there were a few that just seemed REALLY out of place. And I just thought, "these don't seem like the type that should be listening to Opeth"... and it sort of took me by surprise that there could be people so vastly different who still like Opeth... and it made me wonder why they did, at all. I was in a bit of a mood when I wrote that original post. What can I say...
aye. in fact you dont know about them, unless you talk with them.
if I'm at a gig I'm mostly standing grounded! because i feel the music best that way. ah ok, some bits of banging.
tahts why i hate moshpits. it prevents me of enjoying the gig