Opeth is not for you IF:

the thing is tho, i was in the opeth show in cleveland and aside from my GF i was the only one in there wearing american eagle, i felt out of place as shit, BUT when i look around and i know ever word to every song and at times the only one singing along it made me feel alot better, ya know? i think what i was trying to say in my post was dont judge a book by its cover, i do agree with you that there are a TON of people who come to the shows just cause its a show in their town but thats one of the many ways bands get fans
Originally posted by frayededges
Opeth is not for you IF:

1. You think a band should cater to your every whim;

2. You don't appreciate integrity and musicianship;

3. Your only reason for listening to metal is to pit;

4. You are a lameass fratboy-jock type who is looking to get into the next "underground" trend and impress chicks with your contrived "nonconformity";

5. You can't communicate clearly and/or intelligently;

6. You think that you can criticize a band's songwriting skills just because you "didn't like that one part on that one song".

If this sounds like you, please don't expect anyone on this board to respect your opinion about a band as amazing as Opeth. Thanks and have a great day.

NOTE: I am not addressing anyone in particular on this board with the above comment(s), more to the point I mean to direct this at anyone who might be on this board who is of the unsavory ilk that seemed to make an appearance at that Opeth show I saw recently.

Get over yourself, please.
Yeah I do agree when people say you can't decide what a fan should be like. I mean, I would be lying if I said I would like the said 'stereotypical jock dumbass' to jump on the O bandwagon, but really its not my, or your, place to judge. They can do what they want and you or I can't do anything about it.
"Get over yourself, please."

If you read all the posts between the first and last, you'd see my reasons for the original post and that there was far more to it than me just trying to say something inflammatory and/or stand on a soapbox. That's not why I'm here.
Originally posted by frayededges
"Get over yourself, please."

If you read all the posts between the first and last, you'd see my reasons for the original post and that there was far more to it than me just trying to say something inflammatory and/or stand on a soapbox. That's not why I'm here.

You sound like a dork either way. It doesn't matter...carry on.
Originally posted by frayededges
Opeth is not for you IF:

1. You think a band should cater to your every whim;

2. You don't appreciate integrity and musicianship;

3. Your only reason for listening to metal is to pit;

4. You are a lameass fratboy-jock type who is looking to get into the next "underground" trend and impress chicks with your contrived "nonconformity";

5. You can't communicate clearly and/or intelligently;

6. You think that you can criticize a band's songwriting skills just because you "didn't like that one part on that one song".

If this sounds like you, please don't expect anyone on this board to respect your opinion about a band as amazing as Opeth. Thanks and have a great day.

NOTE: I am not addressing anyone in particular on this board with the above comment(s), more to the point I mean to direct this at anyone who might be on this board who is of the unsavory ilk that seemed to make an appearance at that Opeth show I saw recently.
so, what you're saying is that you shouldn't listen to opeth if you're stupid by your definition.

There are a dozen reasons more, smartypants... :)
Originally posted by Mr. Niel
You sound like a dork either way. It doesn't matter...carry on.

I'm sorry you feel that way.

For me, a "dork" is THIS:

"Opeth rox! I luv blakwater park i think its sooo brootal esp. the 1st song but i dont like how hesings all quiet in taht one song i think it soundz stu[pid and why doez the ending of delvivernece have to be so long i think they should have just stoppd earlier in theson g just like that one part in the middle of the last songwhat was taht all about? but istill thnk opet rox even tho their songs are 2 long"


why can't these people listen to opeth?

People you think are idiots listen to opeth and you think this reflects upon you as an opeth fan. Since trendy idiots listen to it people might think you not evil/tough/mysterious/rebelious and that you are infact a trendy idiot too.

So in short you listen to opeth for the image???

Fuck people.

I'll tell you how it works. You go to a shop that sells cd's. You see a cd you think you might like to listen too. You buy it and you can listen to it. YOU DON'T even NEED TO PASS A TEST OR ANYTHING. ALL YOU NEED IS ENOUGH MONEY!!!!!!!

Because some one isn't intelligent they can't listen to opeth?

That's the shitest thing i've read in along time.

As usual, I'm being misunderstood. I never said that these people CAN'T listen to Opeth, nor that there should be a test, or any other such thing that is being inferred from the original post (which was quite clear).

The essence of my original post was nothing more than:

Certain people should not expect others to respect their opinions about Opeth. (For an example, see my last post, or scroll through the Opeth.com guestbook sometime).

I listen to Opeth because I like everything about them - I'm too old to care about image or any of that other extraneous crap. The only point I set out to make was that I, and many others, are simply not interested in the observations of those who have the vocabulary of a brick.
Actually, I'm quite glad that others enjoy Opeth. Uninformed criticism is what I'm addressing here, more than anything else.

As for brutal/evil music, I'm with you there. I love it! In fact I'm listening to Hate Eternal right now. Great stuff...
didnt read all the thread but...

Originally posted by IanDork107
Fuck that. Anyone can listen to what they want, you're no better because you care more about music than the frat-boys or whatever. And coming on here and being an arrogant shit isn't a good way to fit in.
