So Per is a permanent member.

We will soon confirm a handful of Scandinavian and European dates. The band will do a smaller trek round the key cities in Europe in September.

I will kill myself if they don't come to Finland.
9 songs and still not finished? OMGosh! Would that mean no more 12 minute tracks, or a double cd? :OMG: Lets just hope it won't be 30 second grindcore blasts :loco:

And they've made their record company pick? Let's just hope it ain't RR, for gods sake :erk:
Maybe not all 9 tracks will make the album.
But mellotrons and organs used on what is supposed to be a heavy album? *drool*

<crimson> said:
ok, i take back my comments absent friend, haha.
haha that's my work! I turned the thread into something useful! :loco:
Ha yeah, just saw the update! Here it is in total:

Per Wiberg has now officially joined Opeth as a permanent member of the band. As most of you know he's been touring with Opeth since their "Damnation" record. Spiritual beggars fans should not despair as he will continue playing and recording with them.

The band is currently hard at work in Fascination street studios. 9 titles have been recorded and at this moment Hammond organs and Mellotrons are being put down to tape. The recording is being supervised and engineered by Jens Bogren and produced by the band. Some song titles have been confirmed and will be posted here soon.

Several North American journalists will visit the studio in mid May for interviews and exclusive listening sessions.

We will soon confirm a handful of Scandinavian and European dates. The band will do a smaller trek round the key cities in Europe in September. This will be the first tour in support of the new album which is supposed to be released in late August/early September. More tour dates to come....

Have you forgotten...sorry for taking so much time...but:
We will soon confirm the winner of the drawing contest too. There have been hundreds of pictures sent in and we thank you for these. The winner will get the task of drawing the band picture for the next Opeth Cd.

Record label??? Opeth have decided which label to sign to and the contracts are being done as you read. We will announce it here shortly!
Perhaps there'll be a "For Absent Friends" or "Patterns in the Ivy" kinda deal for one or two of those songs.

Did anyone else notice the date it says the news was posted on is 5-5-05? Are Opeth from the future, or just Discordians (if anyone gets the part about discordians, I'll give you a shiny fnord)?
awesome. Per joining was the exact kick in the pants i think Opeth needed at this point. 9 tracks recorded doesnt mean 9 tracks will hit the album...bands almost always record more tracks than they plan to have on the record. all of this is good news...but september seems so far away. :erk:
the date is obviously just an error..

i was thinking maybe mike was tickling anna's toes when she was typing it? either that or the face of melinda neath blackened hair was beckoning right behind her, and she mis-typed.
I hope the addition of Per as an official 5th member doesn't make the album too keyboard heavy. I'm sure they'll use it tastefully and sparingly, like in Damnation (well, maybe I shouldn't say sparingly... but still tastefully).
it cracks me up when people whine about Opeth maybe becoming too keyboard heavy...and then go on and on about bands like ayreon and nightingale being great, haha.

(not you saut, just a generalization)
TheButcher said:
Record label??? Opeth have decided which label to sign to and the contracts are being done as you read. We will announce it here shortly!


Why so upset?

Anyway, for some reason I want to say that they announced the album would be released in August or September. Did I just make that up or what?

Edit: Nevermind, it's definitly in the news post. Yay!
saut said:
I hope the addition of Per as an official 5th member doesn't make the album too keyboard heavy. I'm sure they'll use it tastefully and sparingly, like in Damnation (well, maybe I shouldn't say sparingly... but still tastefully).

Tasteful.....like dimmu.