The interludes on TooL-Aenima are important and rule. Listen to the entire album on shrooms.
How the hell did this end up a Family Guy thread. I see absolutely no transitional statements, but all of a sudden "OMG I can't wait for the new episode!" Do you people really have that short of attention spans?

Anyway, I hope they release some more of that song in my dream tonight. That would be sweet.
saut said:
How the hell did this end up a Family Guy thread. I see absolutely no transitional statements, but all of a sudden "OMG I can't wait for the new episode!" Do you people really have that short of attention spans?

Anyway, I hope they release some more of that song in my dream tonight. That would be sweet.

I haven't taken my ritalin in about 6 years. And I tried Strattera last year...didn't seem to do much. Especially when I snorted it. Just made my nose bleed.
Metalloid said:
back to the topic (sort of)....

I still wonder if they ever ended up using open tunings on the new album

Yeah, I heard rumours that they were going to use a DJ on the next albums, and invite Fred Dhurst for rapping back vocals.