Yes I've heard it, and I think it is an excellent song. It is an exemplory way to use keyboards in Opeth. My main concern is keyboards taking on too many melody parts, with guitars backing up the keys.
Caesar Metallius said:
Yes I've heard it, and I think it is an excellent song. It is an exemplory way to use keyboards in Opeth. My main concern is keyboards taking on too many melody parts, with guitars backing up the keys.


yes, im sure mikael (the writer) and peter (the 2nd guitarist of how many years now?) will just play some backup riffs to the keyboard insanity that per is going to unleash on every Opeth song from now on...

seriously man...i ask again...wheres your brain?
NineFeetUnderground said:
9 tracks recorded doesnt mean 9 tracks will hit the album...bands almost always record more tracks than they plan to have on the record.

So can we assume there are some unreleased tracks from the previous seven albums?
NineFeetUnderground said:

yes, im sure mikael (the writer) and peter (the 2nd guitarist of how many years now?) will just play some backup riffs to the keyboard insanity that per is going to unleash on every Opeth song from now on...

seriously man...i ask again...wheres your brain?

usualy thats the way it goes in songs where the keyboard dominates.
Caesar Metallius said:
Yes I've heard it, and I think it is an excellent song. It is an exemplory way to use keyboards in Opeth. My main concern is keyboards taking on too many melody parts, with guitars backing up the keys.

Exemplary? I'd call it 'filler'. Wasn't it Fredrik Nordstrom who played them? They were just a couple of chords to add texture and space to the backing section of the song.

I'd really hope, if Per is to feature at all on the next release, that they actually use the opportunity to do something good with keyboards. Keyboards don't necessarily equate to cheesy synths etc. You can get some really atmospheric effects going.
What is the problem with you people? I simply expressed mild concern, I never said anything bad was going to happen, nor that keys would in fact dominate anything. I just said I hope that doesn't happen. I should have known that real conversations, without pointing fingers and putting words in my mouth, could not happen on this forum.

NineFeetUnderground: get over yourself. Let others who want to share ideas do so without your ignorant pestering.

Anyone who backs me up, please say so.
dude i totally agree with you... one thing that's great about albums like still life and morningrise, is that they were recorded exclusively with drums bass guitars and vocals.

i'm not saying keys are necessarily a bad thing, i just hope the new songs are still guitar-centered.

also, i hope mike returns to doing _all_ the vocals on the album, including the backing vocs
I had a dream last night that 20ish seconds of a new song was leaked here. It had a guitar riff in it somewhat like the weird spidery riff in By the Pain I See in Others... you know, the one towards the beginning of the song where Mike has a shitload of processing done to his voice. Anyway, it had a similar feel to it, but was much heavier but was played kind of slowly. Mike was doing growls over it, then there was a slow guitar solo that sounded like no solo Opeth had ever done before. It almost sounded like the first solo on the first song of Ulver's Bergtatt, really atmospheric and whistley.

I think the idea of new Opeth has got me excited.
I saw a dream that opeth.com announced that the album is done and they put one full song online as a sample of the new album and the song was called something like Dark Water if I remember it right. It was heavy and sounded good.
Amazing how many people actually dreamt about the new album.

I remember dreaming that they posted the name of the album on the main page. It sucked and since stuff that happens in my dreams doesnt come true, the title of the album WILL rule
hmm My friends seem to be conflicted with the latest family guy. Some think it was dumb, some loved it.

I thought the GI Joe reference was good. "Knowing is half the battle"