Opeth single The Devils' Orchard

To deny that there is a market in metal for people who enjoy associating themselves with progressive/non metal genres is stupid...... look at "djent" and all the kids now naming Alan Holdsworth as a major influence.
"Yeah bro I listen to Meshuggah, Holdsworth and Skream bro"
People love that shit.
i love it. (and i'm not loving everything that has the stamp "prog" on it) i just love people who know how to compose.
just because this wears another sound costume doesn't mean the essence of opeth isn't there.
it definitely is...

ever thought of "cookie monster vocals" being a strategy of reaching young metal fans to stay out of the boring prog genre, make a name and some money and cut them at a point where it's not necessary anymore?
Look my interpretation of selling out maybe different to yours and I see what you are saying but I still dont believe that this is some premeditated move on Akerfeldt's part to hoover up a few prog heads from the metal scene . He is simply writing the music he wants when he wants . If some new fans are won over by this album then great for Opeth and I hope they earn a shit load of money out of it ! It is possible to grow a fan base without selling out ....
I consider Opeth to have ceased being Opeth from Watershed and beyond. They're now the Mikael Akerfeldt Experience.

I mean, how many original members are left in Opeth? I guess its pretty admirable that Mikael had been seemingly democratic in the music writing process because it's obvious as the writing resources in the band changes, so does the music.

I fucking love this by the way. I will take it for what it is (good music and stellar performance of a song in which the genre it fits into). Additionally, I will no longer expect a band to continue sounding like 1 album, especially with Opeth. I always wanted Soilwork to write "Chainheart Machine 2.0" but it never happened. All their albums (Opeth) are pretty different especially within the last 10 years. I can see how this wouldn't be someones brand of beer but nonetheless, if you listen to it and don't like it, I guess that's cool too. I will look forward until this albums release.
Rob Logic said:
I mean, how many original members are left in Opeth? I guess its pretty admirable that Mikael had been seemingly democratic in the music writing process because it's obvious as the writing resources in the band changes, so does the music.

I fucking love this by the way. I will take it for what it is (good music and stellar performance of a song in which the genre it fits into). Additionally, I will no longer expect a band to continue sounding like 1 album, especially with Opeth. I always wanted Soilwork to write "Chainheart Machine 2.0" but it never happened. All their albums (Opeth) are pretty different especially within the last 10 years. I can see how this wouldn't be someones brand of beer but nonetheless, if you listen to it and don't like it, I guess that's cool too. I will look forward until this albums release.

Mikael has written everything since Morningrise (which was Mikael & Peter iirc), with the rest of the band being credited more for arrangements. I think it's Deliverance or Ghost Reveries that says "all songs written by Mikael Akerfeldt and Opeth", and it's said in million interviews that Mikael has always written everything
The lamest thing in this thread is that that some users actually think the Ghost Reveries and Watershed are Opeth’s best albums. Deliverance Mikael would slap Heritage Mikael.
I like noises that I like. This is a noise I like. Rather a lot actually. I dislike most modern prog and am as indifferent at best to most metal as I am to most other things. I do seem to keep liking Opeth though. Possibly because it's The Mikael Akerfeldt Experience and I like his songs and overall vibe, and that's what Opeth is about more than some silly notion of being the heaviest most extreme bullshit. Besides, scenes are for high school kids and the notion of authenticity is antithetical to art anyhow, certainly something so knowingly self-conscious as Opeth; it's gloom and doom delivered with a wink and a nudge. Points to them for often managing more melodrama than Dream Theater without sounding so obviously like they're trying so hard (and without the arena rock-isms). This could turn into a really insulting rant, so I'll just leave it at "I like this for what it is". :grin:
Mikael IS Opeth. To blame the music you don't like on their band-member swapping is totally irrelevant. He writes (and has written) pretty much everything. I think Steve Wilson should be heavily involved though, as his assistance in production and guidance in songwriting and arrangements really helped Blackwater Park, Damnation and Deliverance. Not saying earlier Opeth wasn't good, and I love all their pre-BWP stuff, but those 3 albums I named have a special sound about them.
So much pretension burns my eyes.
I absolutely love the new song and its production!

I've been a 70's prog rock fan for quite a few years now and I know what it's like wanting to change and explore musical boundaries, and I think changing is really important to not get bored with what you do. I saw this coming with Opeth, and I like it very much.

If I want to listen to something like Blackwater Park, I'll listen to Blackwater Park.
It's good. Really good. And I don't care about the "this-is-the-essence-of-opeth-and-this-new-shit-is-not"-whining. get over yourself.