opeth tribute cd

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New Metal Member
Feb 27, 2002
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I amattempting to put together an opeth tribute disc.which will onl be released via their fan club(still working on that)and through message boards,this and their sites board.t is meant as only an homage to aband i love.the disc will only cost 3 dollars and all bands involved it will be free.
If you have a band andwant on this let me know
veil i the sky if you could get it recorded that would be great..I though of doing that one myself,but have decided on either karma or moonapse vertigo......and also if no one does to bid you farewell I might do it mysef cause lots of people want it on the cd.let all bands you know,know about this I need help in getting to word out there so we can make this very special
make sure not to include anything from deliverance, damnation, ghost reveries, or watershed, because they haven't been released yet
I play in an Opeth cover band and I think we'd all love to contribute, but unfortunately we don't have any decent recording equibment.

Edit: Ups, didn't see the date this was put up. Too late I quess. :P
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