Opeth's fanbase grows faster than any other band's IMO

While I don't think we are going to see Mikael sharing the same stage with Shakira anytime soon, I have noticed the steady increase in their popularity since the release of Still Life. Frankly, I think this is a good thing. For example, by this increase in their popularity, it has made it possible to get their recordings with greater ease (I remember the old days when it was a bitch to get their stuff), not to mention, it has provided them with more opportunities to tour the states. The increase in their success has definately had more positives then negatives. In fact, I don't think there are any negatives when waxing Opeth.
It's cool to see more and more people with different musical backgrounds get into them. It doesn't bother me no matter how popular they get as long as they make good music. At this point, it seems like they're still making the music for the love of it, and that's all I could hope for. Porcupine Tree is obviously making the music for the love of it and they're on Atlantic Records, so it's possible to make it pretty big on good songwriting and artistic integrity.
Opeth will become a huge underground band---sort of like what Metallica was like before And Justice for All. Lots of people knew Metallica, and they were still one of the most dangerous bands around, but still weren't TV-friendly. I think the same will happen for Opeth (without the subsequent selling-out, of course)
well I just wanted to share a little anicdote about my little contribution to opeth's popularity (i hate using that word).

I had been listing to Opeth sence Morningrise and had made tapes of all the albums because I laked funds to buy them so when i got the money for them I went to Borders books and muzak to order the cd's Orchid - MAYA and I was told that in 2 weeks they would be there then I realized something when they didn't take my money that I should go to more places and order the cd's and see how many places I could get to stock opeth. well after about 2 years every cd retailer from Ft.Worth to dallas that had no Opeth cd's in stock I placed an order which came out to around 67 stores. So next time your at a cd store and they dont have Opeth or hell any band that is worthy of shelf space put in an order lets see if we can start a fire...
i hope opeth continues to intoduce new fans to their music.

my eventual hope (although somewhat optimistic) is to be able to heard music that i love being played on radio and tv. i just wish that growling wasnt so frowned upon, so i wouldn't feel like a freak whenever people ask me what music i like and they laugh at my face.

how good would it be to turn on tv and hear people talking about the musical talents of opeth. and possibly see a video clip.

aslong as the music is great then its not selling out, its simple making good music more accessable to people who need to be enlighted!

in summary, i think it would be good if we could somehow save alot of misguided people and turn metal into a massive powerful genre again. Hopefully rising metal outta the dark and into average people's living room! \m/
Oh wait now, I think I read that. I thought they'd done another one in the meantime. is it the one with the kind of silhouetted picture of Mike wearing this big coat and smoking a cig?
Originally posted by Bleakest Harvest
Oh wait now, I think I read that. I thought they'd done another one in the meantime. is it the one with the kind of silhouetted picture of Mike wearing this big coat and smoking a cig?

Yeah, it took up 3 pages, but most of that was the picture. But I reckon they'll do another one when they come back over in December.

Oh yeah, they were on the cover of Terrorizer a couple of months ago.
For anyone who's not seen it:


Quite a large image...
IMO Opeth could get to become one of the most popular death metal bands in existance. Their fanbase is growing rapidly and their really getting BIGGER with every release. I think they would reach Dream Theaters popularity.
In general - most of the Opeth reviews I read put Opeth at a different level than most metal bands. That alone sparks much interest. Still, there is a lot of music out there, and thses bands need to distinguish themselves to differentiate themselves from the masses.

Opeth does that with their music. It takes time for the word to get around, but slowly but surely it is. And I think this 2 seperate album release is a great marketing ploy. Now, spread out over time (but not too long), there will be 2 new album reviews from one band.