Opinion about AYDY?

not my fave album, but I like it a lot... my fave beein HCDR and FTR... but still, dunno, lately I'm listening to it a lot... and probably knowing my self, tomorrow I'll say my fave is something wilde, and the day after I'll say it's AYDY? XD... I tend to change a lot, but really I llove all of them, also are you dead ye?, even if it's pretty different!
OK I do the same as Rock_Hydra cus I wanna be kewl
Living dead beat - I actually like this, like the intro and the solo especially, the chorus is the worst part IMO
AYDY? - I like it :erk: don`t like the solo though..just the last part of the solo.
If you want peace...prepare for war - A heavy song, don`t like it ..just the first part of the intro and the solos are decent.
Punch me I bleed - Sucks, decent chorus and a great solo though
In your face - Hate the lyrics, I only like the intro and the riff after the intro
Next in Line - Don`t like it, decent chorus though
Bastards of Bodom - I don`t like the bass in the beginning but when the guitars are coming in its pretty cool but then at the verse it sucks, decent chorus.
Trashed, Lost & Strungout - I like the whole song, worst part is the keyboard solo and the verse
We`re not gonna fall - Don`t like the intro, pretty cool chorus and I love the first guitar solo

First time I listened to it, it sucked poo, but after a while I liked some parts of it..and I made myself like some songs cus I was gonna se them and I wanted it to be good all the time.
The album is all about Living Dead Beat / Are You Dead Yet?

If You Want Peace... Prepare for War just tries to represent the extreme heavy acclimatation of the album.

Punch Me I Bleed is a really "touching" song, it has this "impact", especially the beginning melody is really full of feeling. Sadly though they fucked up the mixing work: it should sound more melodic.

Bastards of Bodom works at parts but otherwise is shit. Melody resembles T,L&S too much.

We're Not Gonna Fall is pretty decent. Interesting rather than a great song. Nice live stuff. The beginning is actually quite impressive live. Plus it's pretty much the only Bodom song that tells about something good.
I'm just saying there is much more enjoyable music out there so why waste time listening to a mediocre album such as this one?
^ An album that includes songs such as Living Dead Beat, Are You Dead Yet?, In Your Face, T,L&S canNOT be mediocre... I like the way AYDY? is so serious.
I will say that people either love it or hate it... goes back to the old "ewwww I like the older stuff". I think it's really fuckin' cool for the most part. They are progressing in their own way, losing some old sounds, gaining some new ones. I'm all for it.... time to evolve people.