orchid is fucking amazing

Orchid certainly have a few good parts (like the introductory galloping horse riff) though I feel that the cd doesn't really flow....you can't really tell when one track end and another begins...the song segments aren't really tied together - basicly just alot of riffs tossed into a heap. That's probably why I like the latter albums more...there they perfected their craft and wrote song structures with real "flow".
Ehh, like said before, its not quite refined enough and doesnt flow well. It has some great single tracks, but in its entirety, could've been so much more.

That said, its still probably in my top 20 favorite albums of all time.
Originally posted by poldarn
....you can't really tell when one track end and another begins...the song segments aren't really tied together - basicly just alot of riffs tossed into a heap.
Did you mix up Orchid and Morningrise? Because this description applies perfectly to Morningrise. Orchid has more flow and NO, I don't have shit in my ears, nor do I have my head stuck in my ass... :lol:
Yeah, Orchid is fucking raw man... those riffs are some of the most elaborate I've ever heard... the harmony going on is fucking awesome... for example, Forest of October, 2nd riff... listen to each guitar seperately, then listen to both, you still hear Mikael's part as the more 'dominant' one, with Peter's supporting it despite both guitars being the same volume... fucking amazing.

I don't know why but Orchid just gets me more than Morningrise does. Not so say Morningrise is bad at all, but I just feel Orchid is more complete and its less kind of stretched out and dramatic, just more raw and 'old-school'. Morningrise definately has good imagery happening though, which I can't say for Orchid, but nonetheless Orchid has better melodies imo.
Originally posted by yourdeadgroom
I rate Orchid as #2 (behind Morningrise, but you all knew that, didn't you :p), it is indeed a fucking awesome album.
I agree with you, sir. ;)