Ordered my first ND cd...


Logic Dictates
Oct 20, 2001
Pittsburgh, Pa
Taking a chance on something new to me in the musical world is always met with great anticipation ~ I ordered ND's OSI&SF...and am much looking forward to hearing and understanding it.
Just giving you some back info, that cd you ordered is our second full length cd, released back in 1999. It leans towards a more heavy doom/death style than our newer material does. Let us know what you think of it when you hear it.
Since you said, "our", I guess you are a member of the band, cool.

For sure, I will let you know what I think. However, it may take some time. I am not one who listens to a new cd and immediately renders an opinion, that would be unfair to the music/band. For example, I purchased ISIS' ~ Oceanic and really didn't care for it after a few spins, but I knew there was something about it that I just couldn't "put my finger on," so I kept listening to it. Now, it is one of my favorite cds.
Yes, Im Larry the guitarist for ND, pleasure to meet you!

I know exactly what you mean, and ironically with ISIS I had the same experience of not knowing what to make of it at first. I can definately say that ND is one of those bands that falls into that category....I cant tell you how many times I've had people say that they listened to us and didn't like it as much at first, or know what to make of it, but then when they listened to our cds more, they really started to get it and sometimes even love it, which is always the highest compliment. So by all means, give it time and see how it affects you....
I would definately recommend for you or anyone else out there that our best cds to begin with would be "To Welcome The Fade" or "The Knowing", not only because they are newer and more representative of where we are at now, but I think the material is stronger overall and its also probably a bit more likely to appease a wider audience.....That being said, I think "Of Sculptured Ivy and Stone Flowers" is one of the most drastically overlooked and underappreciated cds to come out in recent years. I don't feel conceited saying that because I didnt play on it and I heard it in its entirety before I joined ND, and hearing how good it is made me want to join the band.
I received the cd on Wednesday and have listened to it about 6 times all the way through...like I said, I don't pass judgement until multiple listenings, so I don't have an overall opinion of the cd yet, however two songs I am "getting" ~ Before the Wind & Forever With Unopened Eyes. The tracks in between, feel to me, connected to both of these two songs. I really enjoy the beat and extra instruments in Wind...and I am simply banging my head to Unopened Eyes...the vocals in that song are cool too....

I will keep on listening because this cd has already given me something to go back to...