OT - Attn. Wrestling Fans


Sep 22, 2004
With the recent string of injuries involving main event wrestlers in WWE, do you think it's a good idea for them to release so many lower card performers or should they try to elevate some of them while the "big names" are out for several months at a time.

Sure, I get that Scotty Too Hotty will never be main event material, but they just released Sabu, who if pushed correctly, could be a world champion.

Unfortuately, Vince McMahon has created an invironment (especially with the new ECW) where guys like Sabu and Rob Van Dam have no desire to even stay with the company anymore.

So, what's the answer? Do they elevate some lower teir talent? With the creative teams lack of fresh ideas, I doubt it would accomplish anything more than ruin these young guys careers.

Do they try to bring certain big names from the past back? I've heard that they want to bring Chris Jericho back, but who knows if he's even interested, and Big Show (Paul Wight) seems to be TNA bound.

Or do they just wait it out?

Look at the list of performers that are currently injured.
The Undertaker, Shawn Michaels, Booker T., Triple H, Mr. Kennedy, Gregory Helms, and I'm sure there are more that I can't remember right now.

Also, with all these injuries, do you think they should consider lightening up the travel schedule? TNA has a light schedule (in comparison to WWE) and it seems to be working for them.

So, what do you think?
the undertaker looked to be in his best shape ever latley so i'm suprised he's out and the mr kennedy injury just blows. i really started to like his persona. now last i heard edge had the money in the bank suitcase (again ? who gives a fuck). i don't have cable right now but from what i've seen on the payper views at the bar down the street the mcmahons need to be more involved as they def bring some much needed humor into the ring. i think of late that the smack down guys were more interesting that the raw line up. the cena, shawn micheals, edge, orton thing was just so played out already. lighten the schedual and the roster and go for some just plain old good talent. and fuck that great kali guy he's gonna hurt somebody bad in a ring accident. he is to wrestling what shaq is to basket ball.
the undertaker looked to be in his best shape ever latley so i'm suprised he's out and the mr kennedy injury just blows. i really started to like his persona. now last i heard edge had the money in the bank suitcase (again ? who gives a fuck). i don't have cable right now but from what i've seen on the payper views at the bar down the street the mcmahons need to be more involved as they def bring some much needed humor into the ring. i think of late that the smack down guys were more interesting that the raw line up. the cena, shawn micheals, edge, orton thing was just so played out already. lighten the schedual and the roster and go for some just plain old good talent. and fuck that great kali guy he's gonna hurt somebody bad in a ring accident. he is to wrestling what shaq is to basket ball.

I agree about Khali, they should have at least trained him more before bringing him in. But this is really nothing new in wrestling. How many times have we seen big men with a "look" that get pushed to the top, only to have them hurt somebody or themselves due to lack of training and talent.

However, I disagree about the McMahons being more involved. I think they would be better suited behind the scenes, trying to fix the problems their company is having right now. Vince on TV in small doses is cool, Vince as the ECW World Champion is just wrong!

By the way, Edge cashed in the Money In The Bank, he's the World Champion on Smackdown right now.
Sure, I get that Scotty Too Hotty will never be main event material, but they just released Sabu, who if pushed correctly, could be a world champion.

They just released him too.(scotty)

they kinda jumped the gun on kennedy's injury. it turned out to be not as bad as originaly thought.

I think they should just wait it out. If they bring jericho back, by the time he is back in shape and the ring rust is off, all the big names will be back and he will just have to job to them.

RAW will probably be the summer of monsters for Cena to beat, Khali, then Snitsky. By then HHH should be on his way back.
They just released him too.(scotty)

they kinda jumped the gun on kennedy's injury. it turned out to be not as bad as originaly thought.

I think they should just wait it out. If they bring jericho back, by the time he is back in shape and the ring rust is off, all the big names will be back and he will just have to job to them.

RAW will probably be the summer of monsters for Cena to beat, Khali, then Snitsky. By then HHH should be on his way back.

I agree with you on Jericho. Plus, if his heart ain't in it, I hope he doesn't just do it for a quick payday.

I've heard that they plan on the "monster" thing with Cena too. They want to try to build him up like Hogan. I won't work, but that's what they're thinking.
By the way, Edge cashed in the Money In The Bank, he's the World Champion on Smackdown right now

god i hate that jagbag.

come on bring the mean street posee back or at least the spirt squad. i like to be entertained a little during the 2 hours of dudes in tights. when trish stratus left i cried in my cherrios for 2 weeks. i like the hardy boys back together, now make lita into a cool chick again and reunite team extreme. something ? anything ? i'm dying over here :lol:
god i hate that jagbag.

come on bring the mean street posee back or at least the spirt squad. i like to be entertained a little during the 2 hours of dudes in tights. when trish stratus left i cried in my cherrios for 2 weeks. i like the hardy boys back together, now make lita into a cool chick again and reunite team extreme. something ? anything ? i'm dying over here :lol:

Oh man, I don't know where to begin with this!!!:lol:
Oh man, I don't know where to begin with this!!!:lol:

well don't start by telling me how awesome fucking edge is
he's been a vampire , a surfer dude and the rated r superstar and he's sucked ass every time :puke:

spirit squad 4 life :lol:

"Kenny!" "Johnny!" "Mitch!" "Nicky!" "Mikey!" "And we are...The Spirit Squad!"
well don't start by telling me how awesome fucking edge is
he's been a vampire , a surfer dude and the rated r superstar and he's sucked ass every time :puke:

spirit squad 4 life :lol:

"Kenny!" "Johnny!" "Mitch!" "Nicky!" "Mikey!" "And we are...The Spirit Squad!"

No matter what gimmick Edge has been given, his talent always shines through.

(The previous announcement has been paid for by Edge.);)

Anyway, they just released Nicky! Sorry!:lol:
No matter what gimmick Edge has been given, his talent always shines through.

(The previous announcement has been paid for by Edge.);)

Anyway, they just released Nicky! Sorry!:lol:

oh no not nicky !! he had the most spirit of the whole spirit squad ! :lol:
I was always a wcw guy, mainly during the nWo's hayday. It really surprised me when mcMahon purchased wcw and just let it sit there. The one thing everyone wanted to see - a true wrestling "war" was more than possible and the guy just fucked it up. Sure, they had the "invasion" angle a year or so later...but it paled in comparison to what it could have been.

When Vince brought the nWo back in 01 it could hqve been golden as well...once again he dropped the ball.

I've pretty much stopped watching WWE for the fact that natural talent is overlooked for the gimmick. It'll be the death of WWE. RVD, Sabu, Jericho, Big Show, Sandman...hell, even Ariel (Living Dead Gurl) - these are all names we'll see in TNA this year.

BTW, Amy Dumas (Lita) has a horror punk band here in ATL now called the Luchagores and she uses misfits-esque facepaint. The chick has some pipes on her, she sounds like a female Danzig. She also has her own show on Project 9-6-1 called PunkRockalypse.
I was always a wcw guy, mainly during the nWo's hayday. It really surprised me when mcMahon purchased wcw and just let it sit there. The one thing everyone wanted to see - a true wrestling "war" was more than possible and the guy just fucked it up. Sure, they had the "invasion" angle a year or so later...but it paled in comparison to what it could have been.

When Vince brought the nWo back in 01 it could hqve been golden as well...once again he dropped the ball.

I've pretty much stopped watching WWE for the fact that natural talent is overlooked for the gimmick. It'll be the death of WWE. RVD, Sabu, Jericho, Big Show, Sandman...hell, even Ariel (Living Dead Gurl) - these are all names we'll see in TNA this year.

BTW, Amy Dumas (Lita) has a horror punk band here in ATL now called the Luchagores and she uses misfits-esque facepaint. The chick has some pipes on her, she sounds like a female Danzig. She also has her own show on Project 9-6-1 called PunkRockalypse.

Couldn't agree more about the WCW fiasco! Vince had GUARANTEED money and pissed it away!

Looks like TNA will continue to pick up big names. Hopefully they will get a two-hour time slot and have time to do something with all this talent, not to mention the fine talent they already have.

I haven't heard The Luchagores yet. I'd like to see her get back into the business at some point too!
Damn I love WWE and watch it religiously, I think the plot is great, very compelling. I record it and watch it where I can fast-forward through the boring parts. Isn't hardcore holly hurt too? Where's he been? I thought jeff hardy was done after the wrestlemania dive, but he survived. I like Finlay cause he brawls, it looks real when he does it. Edge is the best character to me cause he's the best actor and he is great at being a total dick, everyone hates him and he loves it. RESPECT. BTW---Why does everyone hate Cena? He's a soldier who never backs down from anything, yet everyone hates him. I don't get it. I wish Lashley could act better, he's the genetic freak. He needs to get an angry look about him.
Yea Yea he abandoned that a long time ago, yet he is still hated. Strange what fans want, I root for Cena cause he'll fight anyone. And he FU'ed the big show, damn that's power.

The FU on the Big Show was no more impressive than Hulk Hogan slamming Andre The Giant or any other guy lifting a "Big Man". If the "Big Man" helps, anybody with any strength whatsoever can lift a "Big Man".

That being said, Cena is starting to annoy me a little less. (Sorry, that's the best I can do for now! :lol: )

I will say that Cena works his ass off and has been involved in some quality matches as of late. His 60 minute Raw match a few weeks ago was damn good! Sure, Michaels has the abilty to carry a lesser talent, but he can only carry them so far!
Edge is the best character to me cause he's the best actor and he is great at being a total dick, everyone hates him and he loves it. RESPECT. BTW---Why does everyone hate Cena? He's a soldier who never backs down from anything, yet everyone hates him. I don't get it. I wish Lashley could act better, he's the genetic freak. He needs to get an angry look about him.

Everybody hates Edge because he fucked Lita, which caused Matt Hardy getting fired. He's been riding on that ever since. Everybody hates Cena because he's been champion for almost 2 years straight, and he's stuffed down our throats every week. No one can beat supercena. The real genetic freak is Scott Steiner.

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