OT - Attn. Wrestling Fans

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WWE Is dying Slowly



And I Dont Mean Tits n Ass
Yeah but the same fate will happen to TNA if it gets huge as WCW and ECW (before Vince incorporated it). If it starts to get huge, Vince will buy out the top performers and the company will fold. He has the monopoly, sucks but I love the WWE so I can't complain. Any wrestler will not turn down a chance to be a superstar in the WWE, so he'll give any other company's top superstar a bigger deal, killing that company. Vince is a smart business man.
BTW--about Cena again. Anyone see his interview last night? He just wants to kick everyone's ass and has integrity and passion and no fear even while eveyone is booing him. Respect from me--Cena is the man.
One word: Sting. I've got huge respect for Sting for never going to WWE. It's not that Vince hasn't tried, but apparently he knows that the WWE would not use him right. Just like happened with Goldberg, Steiner, Booker T, RVD, Raven and many many others.

With all due respect, Booker T. and RVD have both been World Champ. The reason RVD's title reign was cut short was due to his drug bust.
I think Vince Is Fucken Stupid...Why The Fuck did He Give The Belt To Lashley...Cant Wrestle For Shit

Also He banned The Shooting Star Press...
Also He banned The Shooting Star Press...

I don't really mind this. I've seen Billy Kidman and Brock Lesnar damn near kill themselves doing it.

I'm sure he will give the OK for guys to use it on special occations like with Kane and Taker using the previously banned piledriver.
Brock Is A DumbAss For Trying That Move With His Size

I think Brock was just trying to live up to the hype of Wrestlemania. Other than that one move, it was a great match with Angle.

But, it was a scary moment. I was sure he wasn't getting up after that!
Yeah, but I'm talking about around 2002-2003. For example, HHH completely buried both guys in 2003.

Oh sure, HHH buried EVERYBODY at that time and will continue to do so until he can't physically wrestle anymore, and then he will bury them from behind the scenes. As long as he's married to the bosses daughter, he'll be unstoppable.