OT - Attn. Wrestling Fans

So, Vince is blow'd up.

I kind of wondered if something was going to happen because some of the promos cut by the legends seemed too genuine...almost like Vince was stepping down. I know Steph just got bumped up to VP of talent relations (or something like that). Maybe Vince wants to start to slow down a bit in the next few years and taking out the Vinnie Mac character on TV was the first step.

I still won't turn on ECW tonight, though.
I was not expecting that at all. I really enjoyed last night, especially the matches. I loved Edge's face when the Great Kali or however you spell that scary dude's name was drafted to Smackdown. I really would hate to see Vince completely out of the picture, though. Why did he keep turning around though? Is it going to be set up that he tried to commit suicide or that someone did it to him?

I was most surprised about Bret Hart. I never expected to see him with the WWE again, even if only for a few minutes. And poor Bobby Heenan, time has not been kind to him. He was sick wasn't he?
The matches were fucking great last night but the whole draft was a bit of a let down to me. The only people I really care about that were drafted were Kennedy and Benoit. As for the whole Vince blowing up deal, pretty stupid IMO. It could get interesting I guess but it probably won't. I can already see this being some looooong drawn out storyline that everyone will be sick of in a week or two but they'll stretch it out for months and months.
So, Vince is blow'd up.

I kind of wondered if something was going to happen because some of the promos cut by the legends seemed too genuine...almost like Vince was stepping down. I know Steph just got bumped up to VP of talent relations (or something like that). Maybe Vince wants to start to slow down a bit in the next few years and taking out the Vinnie Mac character on TV was the first step.

I still won't turn on ECW tonight, though.

I have a hard time believing that Vince won't be back on tv soon. He loves the spotlight and the fans love to boo him. Maybe he's just taking a small break before they start the "Who blow'd up Vince?" storyline.:lol:
I was not expecting that at all. I really enjoyed last night, especially the matches. I loved Edge's face when the Great Kali or however you spell that scary dude's name was drafted to Smackdown. I really would hate to see Vince completely out of the picture, though. Why did he keep turning around though? Is it going to be set up that he tried to commit suicide or that someone did it to him?

I was most surprised about Bret Hart. I never expected to see him with the WWE again, even if only for a few minutes. And poor Bobby Heenan, time has not been kind to him. He was sick wasn't he?

Bret Hart really surprised me too, and I had read online that WWE was announcing him being a part of the show. I fugured it would be another thing where they announce something and it doesn't happen.

And Rem is right, Heenan had throat cancer a few years back and it really took it's toll on him. He's still funny as ever though!:kickass:
The only people I really care about that were drafted were Kennedy and Benoit.

I'm kind of feeling the same way. I think they could have really shook things up a little better than they did, but maybe the next round on Wednesday will have some big news.

Overall though, I enjoyed the show.

*Edited to say that apparently they've decided to push the "supplemental draft" to Sunday.*
i heard the undertaker will return to resurect vince and it will turn out stone cold blew him up. undertaker turns heel and thus you have ,stone cold vs. undertaker at summer slam.

that would be gaytarded to say the least

i heard the undertaker will return to resurect vince and it will turn out stone cold blew him up. undertaker turns heel and thus you have ,stone cold vs. undertaker at summer slam.

that would be gaytarded to say the least


I Heard That Shane Returns To Raw...Then When Undertaker Comes Back...He Will Beg Him To Bring Back His Dad...

Setting Up A Casket Match...Between Them...With Shane Winning Bringing Vince Back And Undertaker Retiring

Thats Just Rumors Though:loco:
I'm bored in work (that's the excuse I'm going with) and had to check out the WWE website. This storyline is going to be too funny. Now they have had FBI agents go to Titan Towers and remove boxes and computers from his office. I'm guessing the storyline will be that he was in trouble and faked his own death to get out of it. Now I've been sucked back into the soap opera that is the WWE.
I'm bored in work (that's the excuse I'm going with) and had to check out the WWE website. This storyline is going to be too funny. Now they have had FBI agents go to Titan Towers and remove boxes and computers from his office. I'm guessing the storyline will be that he was in trouble and faked his own death to get out of it. Now I've been sucked back into the soap opera that is the WWE.

Welcome back! No one escapes forever!!!:lol:

Faked his own death, eh? This could get somewhat interesting.:err:
Did anybody see ECW Tues. night? They were treating it all serious like they do whenever an active wrestler legit dies. Of course the crowd wasn't buying into it (except for a few inbred types) and were booing and shit and the commentators were acting all pissed off for their disrespect and appologized for their behavior. :lol: Funny shit.
I don't think its the same either. Everyone knows that Vince isn't really dead and its all part of the act. For the sake of the storyline, they have to make it as real as they can which would include doing whatever they normally do for other wrestlers.
I think it's pretty disrespectful to all the wrestlers who have died that they gave Vince the 10 ring bell-salute.

I'm not really sure how I feel about that.

On the one hand, I totally get your point and agree that it's disrespectful to give McMahon the 10 bell salute, given how many wrestlers have died in recent years, and many of them didn't even get it.

On the other hand, I realize that it's a scripted television show and this sort of thing wouldn't even be questioned on a soap opera or drama.

I guess I lean more toward it being wrong.