OT - Attn. Wrestling Fans

1. Paul London & Brian Kendrick
2. The Sandman
3. Daivari
4. William Regal
5. Jillian Hall

1. Kenny Dykstra
2. Hardcore Holly
3. The Major Brothers
4. Victoria
5. Eugene

1. Viscera
2. The Miz
3. Johnny Nitro
Dave Meltzer stated on his Wrestling Observer Live radio show Sunday night that Sherri Martel did not die of natural causes, and the case is still under investigation by law enforcement. Meltzer said the police were in abundance at Martel’s mother’s residence in Alabama where the WWE hall of famer was found dead Friday morning. As a result of Martel’s death, WWE did discuss in meetings the possibility of dropping the Mr. McMahon “death” story line.

Dave Meltzer stated on his Wrestling Observer Live radio show Sunday night that Sherri Martel did not die of natural causes, and the case is still under investigation by law enforcement. Meltzer said the police were in abundance at Martel’s mother’s residence in Alabama where the WWE hall of famer was found dead Friday morning. As a result of Martel’s death, WWE did discuss in meetings the possibility of dropping the Mr. McMahon “death” story line.


you mean vince didn't really die in a limo explosion ?
Dave Meltzer stated on his Wrestling Observer Live radio show Sunday night that Sherri Martel did not die of natural causes, and the case is still under investigation by law enforcement. Meltzer said the police were in abundance at Martel’s mother’s residence in Alabama where the WWE hall of famer was found dead Friday morning. As a result of Martel’s death, WWE did discuss in meetings the possibility of dropping the Mr. McMahon “death” story line.


The rumor going around was suicide, but I'm really hoping that's not the case.:erk:

Also, certain people at WWE wanted to drop the death storyline, but it seems that they were outvoted...as in... McMahon outvoted them.
I really don't see what the big deal about McMahon's death is all about. Its a storyline, that's all. It isn't disrespectful to anyone else because if that was the case, we would never have movies because at some point, someone would be offended by something. That said, it would be a shame if Sherri committed suicide. I really don't get how things can be so bad you find that your only solution. I know I said that once before when the singer from, I can't remember the band, killed himself earlier this year as well.

I really like the Miz. I know he isn't the greatest wrestler but I remember watching Real World when he was on and how much he talked about wanting to be a wrestler. Then he was in the competition and lost. I knew he would make it one day. If its anything he has, its determination.
I really like the Miz. I know he isn't the greatest wrestler but I remember watching Real World when he was on and how much he talked about wanting to be a wrestler. Then he was in the competition and lost. I knew he would make it one day. If its anything he has, its determination.

I Love To Hate That Guy
I have to admit that at first, I didn't really get what the big deal was either.

But, after thinking about it, and hearing others opinions on the subject, I have come to realize that this storyline is wrong.

The big deal about the McMahon storyline is that many wrestlers and people in the business that have actually died have not recieved the respect or attention that this fake death has recieved. Wrestlers dying young is a big problem these days, and this is not very respectful to the families of the dead.

Also, it cheapens the "10 bell salute" when given to someone as part of a storyline. Think about when Owen Hart or Eddie Guerrero died. The salute is considered the ultimate show of respect to a performer who has passed. To give it to Vince McMahon as part of the show, is wrong.

I'm with you on hoping that Sherri Martel didn't commit suicide, but it wouldn't really surprise me too much. The life of a wrestler can be a lonely one.
I think we should agree to disagree because I will never think of this as more than a storyline and I think people are reading way too much into this.
I think we should agree to disagree because I will never think of this as more than a storyline and I think people are reading way too much into this.

How about the fact that They waited 1 hour and 20 minutes into Raw before mentioning Sherri's death? No 10 bell salute, no moment of silence, nothing but a quick mention more than halfway through the show.

Sherri Martel was a legend and a Hall Of Fame inductee this year. She deserves better.

Just my opinion.
OK, so, did anyone else watching Raw hope that they would show Stephanie get into the limo?:lol:
I still don't care because its only a storyline. Wrestling is sports entertainment and has a soap opera feel to it. In soap operas, people die all the time even when the actors and actresses who are in the soap operas die as well. And the people on the show who die get much more attention paid to them on the show then the actors or actresses who die.

Vince is the owner of the company. The guy who helped make wrestling what it is today even if not everyone likes the fact that it is part sports, part entertainment. Yes, they should have mentioned Sherri earlier and its an unfornate thing that she died. But you are blurring reality with the storyline.

If you really feel that strongly about it, then write a letter to the WWE and let them know how you feel. Stop watching wrestling and affect the ratings. Telling me and everyone on the Anthrax board how you feel about it isn't going to mean squat. Do something about it. Write to Subway and whatever other sponsors they may have or where wrestlers are involved. You may not be able to change their minds as a single person but if they get enough unsatisfied people, then maybe they will.

BTW, I like a certain band which named itself after a disease. It could be argued that because people have died from this disease, the band should change its name out of respect for the deceased. Personally I think thats hogwash. But that is how some people feel.
The big deal about the McMahon storyline is that many wrestlers and people in the business that have actually died have not recieved the respect or attention that this fake death has recieved. Wrestlers dying young is a big problem these days, and this is not very respectful to the families of the dead.

Also, it cheapens the "10 bell salute" when given to someone as part of a storyline. Think about when Owen Hart or Eddie Guerrero died. The salute is considered the ultimate show of respect to a performer who has passed. To give it to Vince McMahon as part of the show, is wrong.

The only PPV I order these days is Wrestlemania every year. Did you see it?

Raw was...something!:lol:

Dont Have Cable...So I Dont Order Or Watch Anything On Tv Anymore

But I Found Slammiversary On The Net...Watched A Couple Of Matches...Alot Better Than EveryBody Says...People These Days Expect So Much
I really hope that TNA gets the 2 hour time slot they need to develope their storylines and characters. They have a SOLID group of workers, ranging from main eventers, to young up and comers to HUGE stars like Sting and Angle. No reason to believe that with the right kind of time and exposure, that TNA couldn't become a bigger force.