OT - Attn. Wrestling Fans

Anybody Going To Watch Vengence???

Every Title Going To Be On The Line

Nah, I just get Wrestlemania. Might be good though. I would like to see Mick Foley again!

Does anyone else feel that 9 titles is too many? I mean, sure, it's spread out between three shows, but it's still considered one company, and the PPV's are combined now.

I could see having 1 world title, three secondary titles (one for each show) 1 cruiserweight title, 1 women's title, and one tag team title. I know that only brings it down to 7 titles, but the tag, women's, cruiserweight, and world titles could be contested on all 3 shows. Just a thought.
I wonder if Foley is even gonna be there. He got squashed by Umaga on RAW with another concussion storyline.
Nah, I just get Wrestlemania. Might be good though. I would like to see Mick Foley again!

Does anyone else feel that 9 titles is too many? I mean, sure, it's spread out between three shows, but it's still considered one company, and the PPV's are combined now.

I could see having 1 world title, three secondary titles (one for each show) 1 cruiserweight title, 1 women's title, and one tag team title. I know that only brings it down to 7 titles, but the tag, women's, cruiserweight, and world titles could be contested on all 3 shows. Just a thought.

Hell NO!!!!

Then John Cena Would Be In Smackdown And ECW
As much as I like mick foley, he only shows up these days when he has something to sell. He should have retired(for good) in 2000.

Why should I root for Mick when every time he comes back its for a month or 2 just to end up jobbing to somebody.
This Is The Vengence Card

Who Do You Think Is Going To Win?

WWE Women's Championship
Melina(c) v. Candice Michelle


WWE Cruiserweight Championship
Chavo Guerrero(c) v. Jimmy Wang Yang


WWE Tag Team Championship: Open Challenge
Duece & Domino(c) v. TBD

Duece & Domino

World Tag Team Championship
Lance Cade & Trevor Murdoch(c) v. The Hardys


United States Championship
MVP(c) v. Ric Flair


WWE Intercontinental Championship
Santino Marella(c) v. Umaga


ECW World Championship
CM Punk v. Chris Benoit

Benoit(He Better Win, Im Going To Be Pissed If Punk Wins...Unless He "Steals" The Match...Thus Making Him A Heel

World Heavyweight Championship: Last Chance Match
Edge(c) v. Batista


WWE Championship
John Cena(c) v. King Booker v. Mick Foley v. Randy Orton v. Bobby Lashley

My Vengeance picks...

Duece & Domino Clay
Cade & Murdoch
Cena...please let me be wrong!
No way Santino Marella is going to be put over Umaga cleanly. The only way he will win is if someone interferes on his behalf. I don't want to see the title back on Umaga.
Former Stampede Wrestling star of the 1980's, Biff Wellington (real name Shane Bower) has passed away. His parent's had not heard from him, and discovered his body earlier this morning in bed. It appears Bower had already passed away days earlier. In the past, Bower worked against the likes of Chris Benoit, Owen Hart, Brian Pillman and Hiroshi Hase. We will keep you posted on his developing story.

Source; gerweck.net
WWE Women's Championship
Candice Michelle(New Champ)

WWE Cruiserweight Championship
Chavo Guerrero

WWE Tag Team Championship: Open Challenge
Duece & Domino

World Tag Team Championship
Lance Cade & Trevor Murdoch

United States Championship

WWE Intercontinental Championship
Santino Marella

ECW World Championship
Johnny Nitro

World Heavyweight Championship: Last Chance Match

WWE Championship
John Cena

So Only One Title Change...Cena Retains...Nitro wins ECW Belt...
You can expect to see match repeats at The Great American Bash. WWE just recycles matches at every PPV it seems like. We got Benoit-MVP for like 4 PPV's in a row, not to mention Batista-Edge at Judgement Day, One Night Stand and Vengeance-3 ppv's in a row. I know they are just building a fued, but come on that is rediculous.
i almost ordered that just to see mick foley, thank god i saved my money. let me count the current champs that i enjoy watching uh... oh yeah zero