OT - Attn. Wrestling Fans

Tribute by Triple H, talks about how much he respected Benoit.

Wrestlemania 20 World title match...Benoit vs. Michaels vs. HHH.
Wrestlemania 20 match ends with Benoit winning the World title.

Seeing Benoit in the ring with Eddie Guerrero after the match broke me.

Very fitting tribute.
Damn...Man...i Wish i Could Have Watched It

...One Of My Friends Called Me While She Was Crying...I Thought SomethinG Happened To Her But She Was Watching RAW

Ill Find It on youtube Or Dailymotion


R.I.P. Chris Benoit
Sources in the Fayette County Police Department are now working under the theory that Chris Benoit killed Nancy on Saturday, son Daniel on Sunday, and then killed himself earlier today. This story is making its way out through the AP news wire and FOX News.

Benoit was found dead in his weight room. Nancy was found dead in the living room. Daniel was found dead in his bedroom, according to an unnamed source in the department.

Lt. Tommy Pope told ABC News "the instruments of death were located on the scene," but didn't specify what those were or where they were found. Pope said the department was not actively searching for any suspects outside the house.
Holy Shit!!!!!

All I Found Was This

from wwe.com:

It has been ruled that the deaths of Chris Benoit, his wife Nancy and their son Daniel earlier today were the result of a double murder-suicide from within the home

Bust Still DAMN!!!!!

I Hope He Didnt Do It
Oh no. I really hope this isn't true.

Edited...looks like it most likely is true. This just went from bad to worse.
I was hoping this was going to be a carbon monoxide death although I found it strange that his match was cancelled Sunday due to personal reasons. Seems to have been a murder/suicide instead. Fucking ridiculous.


I wrote a quick e-mail to the WWE (not that I expect they will read it but I sent it anyway so I know I did my part) and suggested that they turn Vince's storyline into awareness about suicide and how to look for signs for your friends and how to seek help for yourself.

Bottom line though: commit the suicide first and the murders second.
Benoit was one of, if not the greatest technical wrestler of all time and a personal fav of mine for over 10 years but none of that means shit to me if he killed his wife and son. The WWE should just move on and forget that the little bastard ever existed.
What I find ironic is that if you watched the memorial last night, Edge was saying how if he had a problem, he could go to Chris about it. I'm sure whoever else felt that way must be wondering how come Chris couldn't go to them with his problems because maybe they could have helped him overcome whatever it is that caused him to kill his family. The other thing was how everyone talked about respect. He may have been a great wrestler but anyone who kills their family does not deserve my respect. If he only committed suicide, that would be one thing. But to take your family with you, I have no sympathy for you whatsoever.