Unfaithfully Metalhead said:
Yesterday i filled my gas tank for $46 on a 1993 Mercury Sable... :erk: :OMG: :waah: btw the final bill for fixing my car was $2,739 ....

Lo siento, me dolió a mí también :cry:

And that amount of gas represent here to fill up my friend Francesco car (Mazda Tribute) a 3.0 L V6 engine. On the other hand with the gas prices i bet it'll be what i would have to put in the tank next time which we'll be around next weekend I guess.

NP: Vhäldemar - 'Vhäldemar'
Right on the cue. I filled my tank today $34 and that will take me to ten days in the best average scenario :(
I remember Rick Wakeman described the prices perfectly over here, this is what he had to say:

"We'll have a days protest and the prices will go down by 1p, then two weeks later they'll go up again by 2p and everyone will go, oh, that's alright then"

Definitely some truth in that! But prices over here are on average 89p per litre, that's $1.67.
Something to think about..A friend of me works at a company that builds oil platforms..They are building a sea oil platform now that costs dollar. It is used for a relative small oil well and will serve about one year. Than the whole price of building will be paid back plus some massive profits for the oil company...think about it dollars invested for one year... There's definitly something wrong going on, and I don't think it has anything to do with oil getting scarce now..
kittybeast said:
reports here are gas prices are dropping, yeah a whole freakin 2 cents a gallon, yet we are still more than a dollar per gallon than last year. :ill:

Maybe there here there's another petition from the goverment monopolisthic fuel distributor for a rise $0.2/gal

I vote to thermonuclearize all OPEC countries and then have the execs of greedy fuel companies shot

NP: Judas Priest - 'Worth Fighting For'