OT: The beer thread

Today i had a good haul. Decided to go nuts with the Stone products.

1 bottle Arrogant Bastard Ale
2 bottles 07.07.07 vertical epic
2 bottles smoked porter
2 bottles ruination IPA

About to enjoy one of the ruinations.
So i ended up having the Vertical Epic. Very fruity, strong hints of orange and grapefruit. Nice fruity ale, but not overpowering. I am not sure if i like it or not, but i'm anxiously awaiting my other bottle to age properly.

I might buy another bottle or two so i can make sure and try them at intervals up to 12.12.12
Yasmin, depends on how long you're storing it for. Oxygen is bad for beer as it is for wine. I'm assuming it's Belgian, eh? If you're "laying it down" for a while, go ahead and store it on its side. There should be some yeast remnants in the bottle. If you store the beer on its side, the yeast will settle on the side of the bottle. Before you drink it, stand it up for a couple of hours so the yeast settles to the bottom of the bottle.

If you're not looking to age the beer, I wouldn't worry about laying it on its side.

Honey Brown Lager (sweeter than normal lagers, for obvious reasons. I liked it a lot.)


Kingfisher Lager. Seemed like a bit generic but there was no watery aftertaste I usually find with most lagers so it gets bonus points.
just drank an 04 samichlaus a couple days ago...tasted like a smooth sugary burbon :D

That's funny. I just found 2 bottles of '04 Samichlaus. I had one last night...it's one of my favorites...has a sherry-like quality.

Did anyone know that Michael Jackson-The Beer Hunter guy died recently. He was suffering from Parkinson's but died of a heart attack.

RIP Beer Hunter.