OT: The beer thread

Port Brewing? You're an asshole. ;)

I will make it there one day. In the meantime, can you send me a growler of Stone 9th Anniversary? I love that stuff. My favorite Stone beer. I've had most of the stuff on that list past Epic 04.04.04, save for their specialty stuff like the dry-hopped Levitation. Hands down my favorite brewery though. If I make it to SD, I will make it to Stone!

As s side note, I'll be tasting the '07 Imperial Russian this weekend.

EDIT: Forgot to ask you about Alesmith. Do you get there often?
^ Haha, it'd be impossible to get a growler of stone 9th! All of those beers from Stone were released for a week last december. They were all aged keged specialty beers. The double dry hopped levitation was amazing! The nose was very citrusy, and when the beer hit my mouth, the hops exploded in on the pallet initially, and the later half was pure maltiness. Cool that you know about Alesmith too. Truthfully, they're one of the best breweries ever IMO. My local bar I was mentioning has Stone's 07 Imperial stout on Nitro (same stuff that's in the widgets in cans of Guinness) which gives it smoother and mellower texture. I must say though, that Stone's Imperial this year is a little over the top, if anything, pick a bottle of Alesmith speedway or this year's Czar by Avery Brewing (colorado), those are a bit more mellow and balanced. To make beers smoother, I actually age them :) I have a early summer release 05 Russian Imperial that I'm aging right now. I drank it recently and the way that the ingredients blend together makes the beer really smooth and drinkable. Since the beer naturally bottle ferments, the alcohol increases and it hits you like a ton of bricks later from being so easy to drink. Ah, I can rant about beer for a while....sorry!
^ Depends....what kind of glass is it or what shape? What's the style of beer that the glass is meant for?

Damn, my digital camera isn't working right now. If it was, I could've shown you guys my massive barware collection :erk:
I have one each of the Vertical Epics aging at home from 05 up. Unfortunately, I didn't buy enough 04's to keep one for the end game. Curses. And had I know the 9th was going to be so damn good, I would have bought a case or two when it was available at the store. It sold quickly though.

I have last year's Double Bastard, 10th, and a couple more 06's still "aging". I don't do that very well, but I am happy to be able to keep that 05 Vertical set aside.

Unfortunately, New Mexico is controlled by distributor laws. Alesmith hasn't made its way out here. I'm pissed and looking to move. haha

Damn, you get Avery there too? I was going to trade you some Avery's for some Alesmiths. Have you had their Salvation? I love that beer. I'm making my way through the Demonic series currently. I have had several Mephistopheles stouts, but not the Beast (that will change this weekend) nor the Samael.

Guess I have pretty much nothing on you for trading though. Maybe an Alien Amber? Haha

I have an Avery The Beast waiting at home for me this weekend, along with the aforementioned Stone RIS, DB, VE 06, and 10ths. Oh, and I do have another Oaked Bastard left as well. I have a Ommegang Three Philosophers, Great Divide Oak Aged Yeti, North Coast Old Stock, and something else that escapes me at the moment too. It will be a good weekend, I'm sure of it.
So I finally had a Guinness for the first time yesterday. I wasn't sure if it should've been served, so I put it in the fridge for a few minutes.

Tasted like crap.

Waited about a half hour.

So I finally had a Guinness for the first time yesterday. I wasn't sure if it should've been served, so I put it in the fridge for a few minutes.

Tasted like crap.

Waited about a half hour.

I could have told you that. Guinness must be slightly chilled, going on lukewarm. NOT cold.
I know you could have told me that. But you weren't on when I needed to ask someone how cold it needed to be.

Hell yeah. :D
I wouldn't really be able to tell you, I've never actually had Marmite :p

However, not too long ago, there was "Guinness Marmite" for sale. Might still be for all I know.


Got myself half a dozen of these bad boys last night - James squire Hop Thief (limited release) - a slightly wanky beer due to its limited edition status, but well worth the money. It has been described as having a "distinct citrus and herbaceous aroma with subtle floral and spicy tones" - To me it tastes like a more subtle, yet more complex, little creatures pale ale - fucking awesome drop :kickass:
Ugh....one day I will relate my "ice" beer overdose story, along with the 2 day hangover/projectile vomiting details....Sorry, no pics....they would have been "epic"