OT - The World Cup, Anyone?

I can't believe that :S. If Italy got into the final, and we absolutely PWND italy, then I guess that means that we could have gotten into the final too.

Nup....if Italy played like they did in the first half...and then extra time against Germany, Australia would have lost 3-0.

Germany are probably wishing Australia beat Italy though.
Taliwakker said:
Nup....if Italy played like they did in the first half...and then extra time against Germany, Australia would have lost 3-0.
Not true, becuase you are forgetting Italy didn't play good becuase Australia stopped them from doing so.
Australia did a great match against Italy. But don't forget that Italy played 10 against 11 for almost half-time. And that foul wasn't a red card one. Anyway, this is soccer. You can play a great match and lose it, or play the worst match of your life and win a world cup...
joro410 said:
My worst nightmare: Italy in the final. It just ain't right.
I agree. Although germany didnt seem to deserve the win in the last game though. I didnt see all of the game, but what I did see was that Italy deserved the win. And that just isnt right cos Germany must have been starstruck or something cos they kicked ass against argentina then all of a sudden dropped off. France for the win :).
Yeah, I hope too that France wins (now that Brazil's gone :mad: ), just the thought of Italy winning gives me shivers...
Australia did a great match against Italy. But don't forget that Italy played 10 against 11 for almost half-time. And that foul wasn't a red card one. Anyway, this is soccer. You can play a great match and lose it, or play the worst match of your life and win a world cup...

I'm really glad the aussies made it as far as they did....but they never would have made it through to the final.....by the end the games of the round of 16 Australia had conceded more goals than any other team...and along with Sweden were the only team to have scored fewer goals than they conceded.
The Yngster said:
If France continues to play like they did against Brazil they will easily take home the cup

that was more of Brazil's bad playing than france's good playing.

go italy! all my relatives live there and own hotels chains. but do they spread the wealth? no. The only thing we ever get from them is free use of their other rolls-royce every time we're there, which is never.