OT: Who gets the last word?

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I just left the 'chat/offtopic' section in the OPETH board...namely the 'beating kids is wrong" thread, and this BITCH told me I was STUPID and ABUSIVE b/c I spank my child. i gave that WHORE the old what for and made my goddamn point. Just go there, I wont post the link I'm so FUCKING MAD! and read it....reply and side w/ me if your a normal parent and show her that there is a difference between spanking and beating...and if anyone here has reservations towards me b/c I spank my son then a hella big FUCK YOU HARDY HAR HAR MUTHERFUCKER to you too. Ignorant ppl can eat a dick and choke on the jizz.

Shit, my son has been spanked so much, "Do you need a spanking?" actually works on him!! There's such a huge difference in spanking and abuse. Too many people have taken it too far that now everyone is all stupid about it.

I'm glad you spank your son. One less Georigia fuckup in the world. :D

(Okay, I know I'll take shit for that but I just had to...) :lol:
Settle down, buddy. I know you're not beating the kid. And I'm not going to say you're abusive, but I just want to say that me and my sister were NEVER spanked. And she and her husband will NEVER spank their son.
One of my best friends uses the spanking method, (not very often though) and although I don't agree with it, I don't call him a child abuser.

The way I was raised, was with my mother reasoning with me and she would send me to my room. And, nowadays, they have that new-fangled "Time Out" method of punishment. It's not really new, but it's pretty famous now. And it works! When my nephew does something he know's he's not supposed to, he gets 2 minutes of Time Out. He has to sit down and stay down and he HATES every 120 seconds of it. And he doesn't get into trouble doing the same thing again. (He finds some other way to get into trouble after that......)
this is easy to say for me,the one thing that keeps kids in line is fear,a good kick in the ass or a good old wack with the feather duster is pretty feared for a young kid,there is no discipline for kids these days and they have no respect for anything,and the world is worse off for it.
bRaTpRiNcEsS said:
Shit, my son has been spanked so much, "Do you need a spanking?" actually works on him!! There's such a huge difference in spanking and abuse. Too many people have taken it too far that now everyone is all stupid about it.

I'm glad you spank your son. One less Georigia fuckup in the world. :D

(Okay, I know I'll take shit for that but I just had to...) :lol:

T/y bRaT! And my goal IS to have one less georgia fuck up in the world. :Spin:

n.f.f. I try to stay calm, buddy - I really do. But, as a parent shit like that just burns my fuse at both ends. I hope you understand where I'm comin' from...

...and on a lighter note, I ''rubbed'' it so much at one point, that I realized it had the uncanny power to grow new skin. :Spin: Ahhhh, to be 12 and
really into Anna Nicole Smith again.... o_O

......and to have a lock on my door, w/ the radio REALLY loud and the constant desire to act like a spider monkey. :Smug:
GregadetH said:
n.f.f. I try to stay calm, buddy - I really do. But, as a parent shit like that just burns my fuse at both ends. I hope you understand where I'm comin' from...
I think "internet rage" is the next big "problem" that people are going to start talking about. There are so many assholes that hide behind the anonymity of the computer to say things that they would never say straight to someone's face. I used to go to the message boards on Yahoo whenever I read an interesting news story, naively believing there might be some intelligent debate. What I'd usually find instead was a horribly prejudiced excuse for a flame war between extreme liberals and extreme conservatives, where everyone had to get the last word for themselves (hence this thread poking fun at it), and it usually resulted in me leaving the board feeling extremely pissed off. So I've done three things to deal with it:

1. I don't go to boards populated by assholes like that anymore, and I feel comfortable knowing that I'm not going to miss any important debates.
2. I try and maintain a sense of humor when people like that stumble across this board. I've become pretty comfortable with the regulars here, and know that if they poke fun at Canadians, it's all in fun, and I hope they feel the same way when I poke fun at Americans. It's the people I don't know that scare me, because I'm not sure if they seriously think that way.

Anyway, I agree that political correctness in this world has gone way too far in every respect, and I don't think it's wrong to spank a child. I don't know if that's how I'll choose to discipline Antonio or not, but I'll cross that bridge when I get there. However, I'm also not going to get too worked up about the opinions of people I don't know, and probably wouldn't even want to know in real life. I don't know if that helps, but I suggest that you handle the Opeth off-topic board the same way.
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