OT: Who gets the last word?

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I'd like to say that he posed like that all by himself. He did it of his own free will!
He know's what's up!
nafnikufesin said:
I don't know if that helps, but I suggest that you handle the Opeth off-topic board the same way.

Oh, it's handled alright...I just aint goin' there anymore. I just don't like the label "abusive". I've been spanked and I've been beat..I know the difference. But, I said my peace and have now moved on. Good words 'o wisdom though.

TD, your nephew is obviously going to be the popular guy in school later on in life. :Spin: Yes sir, there aint nothin' like a good ole slice 'o (l) poontang pie! :loco:
I went to a "Yardsale" today at the park down the street from me, BIG community thingy for charity, and picked up 17 dreamcast games in a dreamcast cd booklet, Return to Castle Wolfenstein for ps2 (brand new) w/ GTA 3 and Area 51 for ps one for only 10 bucks! Hahahahahaha! I'm cheap and I don't care! Muhahahahaha!

I shall play games as if the world will end tomorrow...and sleep narily a wink.

GregadetH - Cheap bastard taking advantage of women at yardsales who don't know the value of what they're selling. Pure evil genius. Indeed.
GregadetH said:
GregadetH - Cheap bastard taking advantage of women at yardsales who don't know the value of what they're selling. Pure evil genius. Indeed.
Anyone have the DVD of the movie High Fidelity? There's a deleted scene where a woman who broke up with her guy is trying to give away his valuable record collection for free out of spite, and John Cusack's character refuses not to pay her money for the valuable items. It's some funny shit if you get a chance.
GregadetH said:
I just left the 'chat/offtopic' section in the OPETH board...namely the 'beating kids is wrong" thread, and this BITCH told me I was STUPID and ABUSIVE b/c I spank my child. i gave that WHORE the old what for and made my goddamn point. Just go there, I wont post the link I'm so FUCKING MAD! and read it....reply and side w/ me if your a normal parent and show her that there is a difference between spanking and beating...and if anyone here has reservations towards me b/c I spank my son then a hella big FUCK YOU HARDY HAR HAR MUTHERFUCKER to you too. Ignorant ppl can eat a dick and choke on the jizz.


Hey Gregadeth dude, I agree with you 100% - when described with sarcasm and "ironing" the child beating can be funny, like here: http://maddox.xmission.com/beat.html

I especially like the :
"The 2 x 4 / PVC pipe. If you do your job as a parent, this should never have to be administered. This is for heavy duty jobs only (ie. any time your kid comes home and begins a sentence with "she might be pregnant..." or "I can _____ if I want to..." where the blank can be any of the following: smoke, have sex, experiment with drugs, watch Oprah, etc). Usually the threat of this beating is enough to keep your kid from screwing up. "
nafnikufesin said:
Is this board getting more mature, or am I just getting more sober?
I'm back to fuck that shit up! No way can this be mature now....

As for his nephew being popular, shit, my friend Mike's dad told us about how he owned a bookstore when Mike was young, this took place when he was 4. Mike was being very quiet and that was very odd. Mike has ADD very bad and at age 2, he could escape from anything, he would run, jump up, grab the top of a baby gate twice his height and be over it in under 10 secs. Well, Mike's dad is looking for him, and where does he find him? In the back of store is the storage, and that's where he finds Mike, laying on his stomach and propped up on his elbows, looking back and forth intently upon 2 Playboys open to the centerfolds.
And Mike was never spanked as a child, should've, but he never was. His ADD is pretty bad, and his parents actually refrained from spanking him. Even when he was with his older brother in the convertable and his brother's being pulled over by a cop, top down, and as the occifer is walking up, Mike exclaims, "No Nick, shooting cops is bad"
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