Cursed again
I got the week off work cause im kool
Tad might be at work like a good old man

Tad might be at work like a good old man

I can't go back for seconds on some people til I spread it around more.Metal Maiden said:I'm trying to spread it around too. Ohh, I feel so dirty...where's ThrAude....
I hate my job, I'm laughing cause I'm going insane, I swear I am...earlier I put phone on mute and was yelling at it.Metal Maiden said:Me, too. I love my job.Most of the time.
I don't have loads of rep points either...but I'll give you some rep points.anthrax_moshing_maniac said:how come every other mother fucker has loads of rep ponts and im the only cunt with fuck all![]()
GregadetH said:If Maiden ever gets ahold of Thraxdude, she might make "a man" out of him....
anthrax_moshing_maniac said:Tad might be at work like a good man
He might've meant what he said, and said what he meant...Metal Maiden said:![]()
I think this is what you intended to say.![]()
Coo, maybe I'm getting up there to official rep whore soon! Woohoo!anthrax_moshing_maniac said:Nah i ment old man![]()
are you the same age as good old Tad
I gave you so rep points reilthing
Metal Maiden said:I'm trying to spread it around too. Ohh, I feel so dirty...where's ThrAude....
Better than answering phone calls for customer's wanting to cancel their isp.mentalmeltdown said:Hot diggity! You're spreading what now??
oh and btw, I'm at post #663... soon very soon, I'll be one of them 666 post guys... mouhahahahahaha. Sorry 'bout that, my brain is burned really badly right now... doing taxes for this company I work for - it's the most entertaining job ever! Right up there with digging graves and working at a morgue.
anthrax_moshing_maniac said:Nah i ment old man![]()
are you the same age as good old Tad
Old people suck, like all over 21 should be shot, their life is done anyways.Metal Maiden said:Umm.........nope.![]()
Riehlthing said:Old people suck, like all over 21 should be shot, their life is done anyways.
I meant mental age, yeah...that's it.Metal Maiden said:Unless you lied about your birthday in your profile...You first.![]()
We have to have a mind to lose a mind, do you mind?bRaTpRiNcEsS said:I swear, you people need to be supervised. Whenever I turn my back, you lose your minds.
Speaking of losing your mind, I wonder how NFF's move went?
Maybe...hehehehehe...bRaTpRiNcEsS said:Yes, I do.
You got a problem with that?