OT: Who gets the last word?

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I do know that I got negative rep points once for telling Thra:rofl:ude, "Live it up, baby!!" So someone had their head up their ass or something. I've said much worse to him and gotten away with it. :D But since you get your dots from maxing out on points, it would be logical that you lose said points when some dickhead decides to neg you.
bRaTpRiNcEsS said:
I do know that I got negative rep points once for telling Thra:rofl:ude, "Live it up, baby!!" So someone had their head up their ass or something. I've said much worse to him and gotten away with it. :D But since you get your dots from maxing out on points, it would be logical that you lose said points when some dickhead decides to neg you.
but we could launch an assault on his dots...the rep whore that he is.
bRaTpRiNcEsS said:
Sadly, we could neg rep his ass all day long and he might lost one dot over it. But not likely. :D
so true...doesn't that suck? you're at post 567 on this thread, i'm on post 445 now...so bored at work and i don't want to work. answering calls argh...and having to "save" customers for the isp...saved 33% of the dialup customer's, 20% of dsl. i'm supposed to save 40% on each.
Speaking of rep.....I've spread so much around I don't think I can spread them...I mean it any more. And I still can't get back to where I started.:yell:
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