OT: Who gets the last word?

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Metal Maiden said:
Mirror, Mirror, on the wall.....
Who's the loveliest of them all.....


You I guess. You and Tad have'nt hooked up yet? No hot anal sex? What happened to all the anal sex talk? Dammit ppl time to bring it back.

Anyhoo... what up yo? Howz it goin' bRat? Tharax on the 25th, tryin' to get my bitch asses buddy Franketh the Tanketh to go - but he's a pussy about it...'I might have to work, blah, blah, blah.'' sounds like my ex wife.
Hey, everyone, whassup?

I know I'm not around much, but I guess that's what happens when real life takes over :p Anyway, Antonio turned 1 this past weekend, and celebrated by puking on his mom. Maybe I should wait a few more years before I feed him beer on his birthday :D
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