OT: Who gets the last word?

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Well, I've been home sick from work the last week and a half. Stomach has been killing me. Went to doctor finally (I hate doctors) and turns out I might be lactose intolerant. This will fucking blow. I drink milk tons, milk in cereal, cheese on hamburgers, tacos, pizza, parmesian chicken, shit...tons of stuff!! Finishing up the week off work, and no dairy products for a week. FUCK!!!
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Riehlthing said:
Well, I've been home sick from work the last week and a half. Stomach has been killing me. Went to doctor finally (I hate doctors) and turns out I might be lactose intolerant. This will fucking blow. I drink milk tons, milk in cereal, cheese on hamburgers, tacos, pizza, parmesian chicken, shit...tons of stuff!! Finishing up the week off work, and no dairy products for a week. FUCK!!!

Not a problem, there's pills for that now.

A friend of mine is lactose intolerant, takes a pill and eats pizza just fine.

...Get's fucked if he forgets though.
Riehlthing said:
Well, I've been home sick from work the last week and a half. Stomach has been killing me. Went to doctor finally (I hate doctors) and turns out I might be lactose intolerant. This will fucking blow. I drink milk tons, milk in cereal, cheese on hamburgers, tacos, pizza, parmesian chicken, shit...tons of stuff!! Finishing up the week off work, and no dairy products for a week. FUCK!!!
Awww, that sucks, but like they said -- there's medication for that. My problem is that anything with tomato sauce burns my intestinal tract. That really sucks 'cause I'm Italian!!
crystlpalace said:
Awww, that sucks, but like they said -- there's medication for that. My problem is that anything with tomato sauce burns my intestinal tract. That really sucks 'cause I'm Italian!!
I can see where that would be a problem! :)

Rhielthing, I was starting to wonder where the hell you've been. Don't worry too much about it, I hear those pills work wonders. Just don't forget to take them.
Yeah, I know there's pills and other stuff...but this week has kinda sucked, I just couldn't get better, kept feeling like shit. Starting to feel better now.

And AMM, yeah, I think it's too late for you to back pedal now...you're screwded for pictures.
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