OT: Who gets the last word?

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bRaTpRiNcEsS said:
I can see where that would be a problem! :)

Rhielthing, I was starting to wonder where the hell you've been. Don't worry too much about it, I hear those pills work wonders. Just don't forget to take them.

Been home on a DIALUP connection, not on a t-3 connection at work. I did go by my friend's house, who have a cable and posted a couple times there, but not much cause they have no music on their computer and no stereo in the room, so get really friggin bored.
That's pretty much what my home computer is. Music. 11.8 gb's of music on my computer. Songs off cds I own ripped onto it. I then put them on cds and take them to work or play in my car...speaking of that, I need to make another mp3 disk. Just made one the other day. But need another one...
I don't listen to radio that much. Last night, on asskickin' 80's, the Mullet dissed on Metallica. It was funny cause this station loves Metallica. He played Creeping Death and then was like, "that song was off one of the best metal albums of all time. That was before Metallica became Metallisuck, Metallicrap, Metallisellout, whatever you want to call them. They became greedy bastards and stopped making good music."


there's the onair staff of the station. They have Bob and Tom and Loveline, I hate talk radio shit. On the info spot they have an online comment suggestion box. I requested Anthrax through that. And called them. 1-866-544-9797
anthrax_moshing_maniac said:
Remengiton i also want pics of you ;) but i also want some of brat :p
Sorry dude, they're in the shredder now:Smug:

Like I said in some other thread way back, I would post them here in exchange for a brand new '04 Ford Mustang SVT Cobra, fully loaded, in my driveway (and titled in my name).

Things have been nutty in the land of two children. Took a day off tomorrow. scrrewing around now. Hope everybody's doing well. i read about alctose intolerance and spaghetti sauce burning, etc. Let's all get healthy.

Anthrax rules!!!

Going to see Slayer in two weeks from tonight. It'll be my first nite out in a while.

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