OT: Who gets the last word?

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Things have been nutty in the land of two children. Took a day off tomorrow. scrrewing around now. Hope everybody's doing well. i read about alctose intolerance and spaghetti sauce burning, etc. Let's all get healthy.

Anthrax rules!!!

Going to see Slayer in two weeks from tonight. It'll be my first nite out in a while.

ANTHRAX -- I'TS GOOD FER WHAT AILS YA!!!! I couldn't be better myself! Got my tickets to the show Tuesday...got my Frank Bello screen saver...got some of the latest re-issues...(well, not the European ones.):( But, everythings cool here!
Things have been nutty in the land of two children. Took a day off tomorrow. scrrewing around now. Hope everybody's doing well. i read about alctose intolerance and spaghetti sauce burning, etc. Let's all get healthy.

Anthrax rules!!!

Going to see Slayer in two weeks from tonight. It'll be my first nite out in a while.

Two kids takes a little getting used to, I will say. Mostly because I didn't think it was possible to get even less sleep than I was, but I can tell you, it is. :D

Almost had a trip to the emergency room last night. The boy tripped and landed flat on his face and somehow cut his eyelid just below his eyebrow-blood everywhere, screaming, etc. Talking to his daddy about Bert and Ernie was the only thing that calmed him down enough to get cleaned up, go figure. Then, said daddy spoiled him by making him popcorn instead of sending him to bed. He's not up yet, so I don't know what it looks like this morning.
How's the boy doing today? Does he have a black eye?

I remember once when Madison was 1, one of the little brats in daycare bit her on the eyelid. Scared the crap out of the caretakers and me. She looked like crap for a couple of days, but had no serious injury. I was kind of glad when she finally started bitting back. Except when it was me (nursing) that she bit. :yell:
Well, his eye was almost swollen completely shut when he woke up, but now almost all of the swelling is gone, he just has a black eye with a cut through it. Looks like he was in a nasty bar fight! :lol: He's not poking at it (like he was last night) and is playing and getting into trouble just fine, so I think it's okay.

I've only gotten bitten once so far while nursing, which is pretty good for 10 months, I think. Then again, she only has 2 bottom teeth right now....
:lol: My husband answered. They were like "What do we do?" He's like "Get a cat." WTF? What are we supposed to do about it? And the guy's like, "Well, I killed it with a shoe." Okay, then, wtf are you doing at my door at 10 o'clock at night, then?? I swear. Did I mention they're dumbasses? :D
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