OT: Who gets the last word?

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I am just watching my Brownies. Being a Browns fan is like being an abused spouse though. At least somewhere along the line I became enthralled with Magic, Kareem, Worthy, Scott, Green, and Riley and the Showtime LAKERS, so I know what it is like to see your favorite team when a championship.
As I am taking someones (hot 21 yr. old) daughter to Slayer, I will avoid the bar and behave well. OK, mom said I could drink during the opening band, but still, I must be good, these could be my in-laws. When a good looking woman with an even better looking daughter says "will you take my daughter to see Slayer" how can little hearts not float above your head.
I don't know where the remote is. And I don't care. It was on the floor in front of the TV the last time I saw it, and if your son dropped it in the toybox, it's not my problem. I realize that your attention span does not include commercials, but what exactly am I supposed to do about that with two kids in the bath tub? I hope the little piece of plastic is flattered that you value its existence more than your wife's sanity, as you badger her to death about finding it. And I hope it laughs at you when you find it right where she says it probably is.

And while you're at it, stop leaving your pocket knife everywhere. She's tired of looking for it for hours only to find out you left it in Queen Creek in the realtor's office. And if you drop your wallet one more time, you're going to find it someplace uncomfortable, like the back of a Volkswagen. Thank you.

Rant over. :D
Ty- Are you going to Slayer with "we know who?" if so, I suggest macking on the 21-year-old!!
If some lady asks a complete stranger if she'll take her hot daughter to see Slayer (of all bands), the crystal ball says to me (about the daughter):
She will put out!...........She has issues, but she will put OUT!!

Let's see how the "other date" feels about that.

OR BETTER YET. Get 'em both drunk.............. :loco: :Spin: ... :cool:
TD said:
Oh rest assured my man, rest assured. A hot young chick who likes Slayer and has super cool drunken parents. Does life get any better?

And remember: If she smokes, she fucks.
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