OT: Who gets the last word?

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Aside from my sister-in-law's constant bitching, it went rather well. I bought some awesome garlic, and a sign for my future garden that says "Grow Dammit". And a new wallet that's like half the size of my old one. Then I stopped at Michael's and got some black food coloring for my Halloween cookies this weekend. :headbang:
I have to put up with people bitching at work cause there gayass footbal team lost! :Smug:

We've allready had kids nocking on the door, i ignored the door! what i don't get is parents say don't take sweets from strangers and at halloween they go tell them to!!
Now where's my Celine's box set? Excusez-moi, but I think I deserved it! Actually, there was just a several-hours long Celine Dion special on TV regarding the release of her latest cra... ahem, album. People adore her here... I must be getting brainwashed, but I'm starting to whistle her tunes at times... Tell me Dr. am I normal?
Here's a lovely thought from my mom: :D

Thought For the Day
"Never hold your farts in.........
they travel up your spine, into your
brain, and that's where you get shitty ideas from."
damn, maiden! is that pic big enough?:)

anyone here going to see 'thrax in atl. besides me?

I was retarded and thought they were on carson last night. it's cool though I spent all night on the phone w/ this chick from work and i thought I missed 'em. apparantley I didn't.
Now if you'll excuse me i must get up and check out this book about the life of bruce campbell. Hopefully i'll be online in a few daze.

\m/ -GregadetH
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