OT: Who gets the last word?

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should be past my bedtime...wish work had naptimes. I bet people wouldn't mind coming to Washington for a free concert, huh? Would want it in Spring...when it's nice here and not blazing hot summer.
They go down for two hours, minimum! I just have a very hard time falling asleep, even at night when I can barely keep my eyes open. It's annoying.

My uncle used to put beer in my cousins' bottles. One grew up to be an annoying health nut, the other is a lush who got kicked out of the Army. Hmm... :)
What? that bahstahd...I honor my bets, I just don't place them.

I'll make honor bets for football. Knowing that I'm better at picking teams then you bets. I do good at those, but don't want to try money on it, cause then I'll lose.
We made a bet about two months ago. We were argueing about something having to do with the floor plan of the new house. If he was right, I had to swallow every time for the rest of my life. If I was right, he was never allowed to ask for a BJ ever again. I knew I was right so I agreed. Not that I would ever not give him a BJ ever again, but I wanted to see if he could actually go not asking for one. Which lasted about two months. When I mentioned he's not supposed to ask again, he argued the specifics of the arguement instead of just saying, oops, you're right. He's the type that has to be right about everything, no matter what. It's beyond old.
It was a messed up bet. But he came up with both winning scenarios, all I did was agree to it. But all it does it prove that winning a bet doesn't mean shit if it's not honored later on. Except now he actually asks "What?" when I roll my eyes after he says "Bet me".
this is like the most i've posted in like 3 weeks...damn...amazing huh? I don't think I'm lactose intolerant, cause I've had dairy recently, and still feel fine. Tums and that medication stuff seemed to fix it.
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