OT: Who gets the last word?

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I know. They lied about everything that ever happened. Most of it is stuff that doesn't really matter in the long run, but the fact is they lied about everything. AND they think they're the best parents ever. I don't know how I didn't end up a teenage crack-whore with 4 kids, their "guidance" being what it was.

Maybe that's why I'm so honest I make myself sick????
Well, that's not even the worst part. The worst part is that any time I told them anything, they didn't believe me. Like when my babysitter, my sister's best friend, was sending me to bed with a bag of Oreos and a glass of milk so she could make out with her boyfriend on the couch, or the aforementioned ex of my sister's who would tickle me til I peed my pants and then locked me in my room for hours so he could have sex with my sister in the living room. Both happened when I was 8-9 and collecting evidence isn't exactly in an 8-year-old's realm of expertise, but I somehow managed.

I always got accused of having an over-active imagination, and basically survived my childhood with a keen sense of eavesdropping. Which is not an easy task, when you've had tinnitis all your life.
We all have ghosts from our childhood. I've found it's best (for me) to just accept that it happened and go on. It did me no good the sit around and be pissed about this or that. I can't change it now, so why bother.

And I'm just disgusted with my boss. Still. :bah:
Actually, I wouldn't even care about any of it, if they would just leave it in the past where it is, instead of telling my husband, as if he won't talk to me about it or it would never come up in our conversation. They're the ones bringing it into the present by including him.

I've already let so many other things go, I'm sure this will be no different. Unless my mom tries her "motherly advice" bullshit on me again. Then she's getting an earful.

I know I can't change anything, I just needed to vent. This thread is good for that. :) I won't be in a better mood, though, until my kids stop wrecking the house and I can hear myself think.
How did they tell your husband? Was is just something that came up in conversation, and you happened to be in the other room? Or did they make a point of going behind your back and telling him?
Actually, he said my sister told him that a long time ago, but he thought I knew the dog died so he never brought it up. It came up last night because he said the other night they were talking about whether or not we were getting a dog after we were in the house, and they brought up my dogs that have died.

I've found out other things from him that they've told him, stuff about my grandparents (both sides) and plenty of other things. I'm just tired of finding things out from someone I didn't meet until I was 18.
Where are you during these conversations? Maybe they too think you are aware of these things by now? I hear new things all the time from my sisters, that my parents thought I knew, but was too young at the time to remember or I wasn't around when it happened.

Actually, things still happen that I don't know about. And I live across the fucking driveway. But no one bothers to pick up the phone or come over. They just asume I have esp. :Smug:
Well, this particular incident, I was giving the kid a bath and then getting them into bed while they were in my living room. Other times, they tell him stuff when he goes over there to fix their car. My dad also tells him stuff that he'd never tell me, like that my grandmother never married her live-in boyfriend or stuff like that. That also happens while he's fixing the car, or running to the store, or whatever.

But the conversations never get anything like that while I'm around. It's not that he's easier to talk to, because I can tell you as his wife, he isn't.
I'm not that close to anyone in my family. My sister lives in Florida now, and she's always been my mom's favorite because whatever my mom says goes with her and she's fine with it. I'm the only one in my family who calls bullshit when I see it. I don't have any cousins my own age. I wish I did. Not that I wish this family on anyone, but it might be nice to have a decent cousin to talk to.
i am still pissed that my parents lied to me about santa lol

in all seriousness there is no guide to parenting,some people think that lieing about something is actually protecting u,i think thats bullshit too but for whatever reason people still do it.

family is good but sometimes its best to be as far away as possible.
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Not Colorado? ;) :D

Actually, my parents DID lie about Santa...they kept it up for like three years after I knew about him. I didn't tell them I knew because they seemed to get so into it. (I even asked for the Tooth Fairy's autograph :lol: )

Then when I was 10, in February, they sat me down and told me about Santa, the Easter Bunny and the Tooth Fairy. My mom started crying and I was just like, yeah, okay, I'm gonna go ride my bike. My guess is my sister didn't know already and took it really bad so they thought I would too.
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