OT: Who gets the last word?

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Riehlthing said:
Yeah, didn't really want to...but cousin talked me into it. Just kinda buying time till football season starts.
I split with a buddy. He does 90% of the work. I help draft, then occasionally make suggestions. I don't have time. Baseball is almost daily work.

I still prefer football too.
those fantasy leauges sound like fun but I crunch those kind of numbers all day at work. One thing enjoyed about golf was betting against the guys you played against. added to the competition.
Out of a preverse want to keep this thread alive, and another want to not make a new thread about the Frank/Anthrax thing I present this:

Everytime I think about Frank leaving Anthrax these lyrics jump into my head.
DarbysDad said:
those fantasy leauges sound like fun but I crunch those kind of numbers all day at work. One thing enjoyed about golf was betting against the guys you played against. added to the competition.
the online ones, like yahoo, you don't have to figure out the points. it does that for you. you just choose the people.
Brat never. Not the Bratster..you might headed for the dog house when she comes back. BTW stop and get a case of beer on your way to the house. :D
DarbysDad said:
Brat never. Not the Bratster..you might headed for the dog house when she comes back. BTW stop and get a case of beer on your way to the house. :D
Thank you. I feel so loved. :cry: I'm totally bummed right now, and have no comment.

And you guys are sad, you barely turned the page in a week's time. Tsk tsk.
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