OT: Who gets the last word?

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Not unless he gets to be as bad as his brother-in-law. She'll go to the store or a friend's house, and he leaves them alone long enough for them to pull all the bricks out of their neighbor's landscaping or pull out all the spackle he just put in their toy room. But he'll swear he was only gone a minute.
One time my mother-in-law went over there to pick the boys up, and the front door was open. She walked in, went into the boys' room and talked to them for a while and went and found the brother-in-law. He didn't know she was there til she walked into the room he was in. Anyone could have walked in and snatched my nephews or they could have wandered off on their own, and he wouldn't have noticed til his wife asked where her children were.

He's another one that is only on the computer "for a minute". I don't know who they think they're fooling. I'm sure he's forgotten to feed them, too.
I don't know why she leaves the kids with him. Just because he's their dad doesn't mean he knows how to take care of them. One day one or both of them will get hurt or worse, and it could have been prevented. I guess that's what happens when you trick a man into having kids he didn't want in the first place.
Yeah, she told me when she was already pregnant with the first one, and then before she got pregnant with the second one, she told me she was going to do it again. One of these times that he claims birth control pills don't work, I'll be forced to say "They WORK when you TAKE them!"
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