OT: Who gets the last word?

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That's just it. If they've had all day and have done nothing, I can call their corporate office and pitch a fit. Their corporate office doesn't like hearing from unhappy residents. They'll have those jackasses staying late to get it done. Then they'll think twice about fucking around on a Friday next time.
Yeah, they send these stupid little surveys every once in a while and if you send it back they give you $5 off your rent. Well, if you put anything negative on that survey, the manager here gets a call about it. The last 3, I've put in something about my upstairs neighbors stomping around all the time, and about a week after I mail it, they knock it off for a while, until right before the next one comes in the mail.

The plus side to this crappy day is that I only have 300 pages left of It.
remington69 said:
Yeah, I know. But when I have done the same experiment for the 10th time this week and am not getting results that make sense...I kinda get a little frustrated.

Hopefully all at 947thezone.com voting. Or working. Or changing poopy dipars.
remington the cure for any cancer would be awesome. Some people ask how do you deal with Diabetes and I'm like I'm in the drivers seat I can treat myself to a large extent to keep it under control unlike how cancer can just roll up hard on someone. I know diabetes effects many things but lying in a bed "rotting" like my Grandpa did is no bueno.
Keep up the hard work. The NFMB has your back!!!! :headbang:
Next I will finish Fellowship, and maybe move on with LOTR. I also have Insomnia and Bag of Bones in the closet, and I'll probably re-read some Bukowski at some point, if I have time. I just need to finish It, I've been working on it far too long.
Oh and the plumber was here a couple hours ago. There IS a broken line somewhere, either behind or underneath my stove. But he couldn't fix it because he needed the sonic detector thingy, and he said they'd be here tomorrow but when he called his office to schedule it, they said they couldn't get here til Monday.

So now I get to turn off my breaker and the water line until an hour before I want hot water. For EVERYTHING. For three days. I hate plumbers right now.
If I may rant on sumthing that has nothing to do with plumbers, books or springer...I would like to say that in the new Blast Beat charlie wastes perfectly good space informing us of how ozzfest didnt take them out this year - I understand he's gotta be frustrated w/ his business right now b/c noone wants to show them any love but they should forget ozzfest and view it as a challenge to make it w/out the help of a geriatric performers power hungry wife. All the pieces are in place. Many of us expected this album to go platinum in a matter of days once the public heard it in its full glory, but in reality they are approaching those sales as any NEW band would and that's slowly but surely. They are rebuilding their fanbase and starting to get airplay. I'm willing to bet that when dawn of the dead comes out there will be more than a few requests to see the vid for "what dosent die"...i think this song will blow up and finally bring them back into the limelight again. ........and bRaT you'r level of vindictivness knows no bounds..making them work late to fix it is a priceless idea...pure evil on a friday night! lol
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