OT: Who gets the last word?

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Son o' a bitch! If only I could get out early of work, my friend could have got me in to meet Alex Ross at his gallery show tonight. Damn! Damn! Damn! Any other day I would be able to do this, but noooo, not today. Stupid uber-important experiment! Why can't breast cancer research itself!
DarbysDad said:
Remington - that's good thing to research though ^5
Yeah, I know. But when I have done the same experiment for the 10th time this week and am not getting results that make sense...I kinda get a little frustrated.

RiehlthingDamn, where's everyone?
Hopefully all at 947thezone.com voting. Or working. Or changing poopy dipars.
Okay, check this shit out.

This cheap-ass complex I live in....Last night, one of the water lines under my kitchen floor busted. You can feel definite warmth in certain spots, mostly by the stove. We have like NO hot water now. There's one jackass working here that thinks turning up the hot water heater will fix it. We've got another jackass who thinks draining the hot water heater and replacing the elements will fix it. That guy also claims the floor is warm because I used the oven (as if it would not cool overnight or anything).

And then we've got the head guy, who swears up and down that there are no water lines underground. If you saw the floor plan of this apartment, you'd know there's no way they would go through the walls to get to my hall bathroom. The second guy claimed he was going to check the blueprints with the construction company.

What does all this mean? They're going to point fingers and fuck around because it's Friday, and they think I'm going to spend the weekend without hot water, when I've got a husband who showers at least two, usually three times a day (and is a complete pain in the ass if it's any less) and a son who thinks if he's not in the tub by 7 pm he'll turn into a pumpkin or some shit.

And if my electric bill is a penny over $90, they're paying it!!! Okay, I am done now.
They're just fucking dumb. They blamed my husband's cold shower on our shower head.

1. We've had it for a year, if there was a problem with it, we'd have had one by now.
2. How does the shower in my bathroom explain my kids' bathtub and my kitchen sink?

I'm giving them until 3, and then I'm going to get ugly.
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