OT: Who gets the last word?

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Riehlthing said:
My aunt has breast cancer, she's going through chemotherapy for it now. So far it's working for her.
I'm sorry to hear that, but it's good that the chemo is working. My Mom died of breast cancer when I was 11, so I'm very passionate about doing my part.

Darby- Thanks for your support!:)
Hey fuckers!

Well, they spent 10 hours yesterday tearing up my kitchen floor. I got to eat out for lunch AND dinner because my stove sat in my living room until about lunch time today. The plumbers were fine, but other than them, we were surrounded by morons all day. It's the most bullshit thing I've had to deal with in a very long time. Maybe even ever.

Then last night I got to spend four hours in the ER because of my son's virus. He had a 104.3 temp (that's F, not C, mental :) ) and muscle cramps and threw up the chips they gave him for being so good about getting his blood drawn. They ruled out a blood infection, got his temp down and sent him on his way. This afternoon his doctor found blisters on the back of his throat (she showed me, they're quite disgusting) and she gave Tonya some medicine that apparently knocks her on her ass, as she was asleep on the Lazyboy (that she's never slept in before) within about 15 minutes of getting it.

The cleaning lady was here today, the carpet guys are here tomorrow, and the linoleum guy comes on Thursday. And I have an interview tonight at Home Depot.

So what's knew with you freaks?

Oh and Greg, that little rant of yours should have gone in Sean's thread that I barely got a chance to read, as it had one post last I checked and 37 replies today. :) But I see your point.
GregadetH said:
If I may rant on sumthing that has nothing to do with plumbers, books or springer...I would like to say that in the new Blast Beat charlie wastes perfectly good space informing us of how ozzfest didnt take them out this year - I understand he's gotta be frustrated w/ his business right now b/c noone wants to show them any love but they should forget ozzfest and view it as a challenge to make it w/out the help of a geriatric performers power hungry wife. All the pieces are in place. Many of us expected this album to go platinum in a matter of days once the public heard it in its full glory, but in reality they are approaching those sales as any NEW band would and that's slowly but surely. They are rebuilding their fanbase and starting to get airplay. I'm willing to bet that when dawn of the dead comes out there will be more than a few requests to see the vid for "what dosent die"...i think this song will blow up and finally bring them back into the limelight again. ........and bRaT you'r level of vindictivness knows no bounds..making them work late to fix it is a priceless idea...pure evil on a friday night! lol
Good point.
If you, or ANYONE, thinks that Anthrax deserves some promotion, JOIN THE STREET TEAM!!!!!!
Yeah, I had my interview last night and they're supposed to call me today to go back for a second one. They start at $8, which is unheard of around here, especially for part-time.

Joe ran another high fever last night so I gave him Motrin and Tylenol and he fell asleep right away. It went back down while he was sleeping because when I checked on him later he was cool again. He came in my room about 3 this morning, and I let him climb in, even though he usually gets sent back to his room.

Tonya got up right when he did and her nose was runny again so I gave her some more Dimetapp and it knocked her out again. She's still not right. I have to lower her dose and give it to her before bedtime. It's sad seeing her like this.

Carpet cleaners left about a half hour ago. They came early so I don't have to wait for them. They have to come back tomorrow because they were supposed to do my furniture but they left the tool they needed in Mesa somewhere. I also have the flooring guy coming in to fix the mess that is my kitchen.
His fever was starting to go up again this morning so we gave him some more Motrin (it's a 2-person job) but now he's acting just fine.

Oh and my husband took down this painting we have yesterday because the nail was about to fall of the wall anyway, and he stuck it in my closet, except I didn't know it was there and I smashed my foot into it in the dark. I could feel blood on my toe so I went and hobbled into the kitchen and grabbed a Band-Aid. I just grabbed a small one and went to the bathroom and cleaned it off.

This morning when I got up, I saw that I have Elmo and Cookie Monster on my toe. My kids think I'm pretty cool. :)
I hate those funky bandaids, I like normal ones. I'm kinda borin' like that...some girl tricked me into getting my thumb nail painted...was talking to someone, she asked to see my hand when wasn't paying attention, next thing I know I got a silver thumb nail.

Also was drinking and a girl I was drinking with asked to bleach my hair blonde...so was a blonde by the end of the weekend. Damn trickery sometimes or not paying attention.

Actually, the doctor said the blisters are caused by the virus. I have no idea how he got the virus. It's not even a definitive virus, in that I can't call it a cold virus or a stomach virus because it's a bit of both. It's weird.

Now the little one is acting up but I'm pretty sure that's just her teeth.
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