OT: Who gets the last word?

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Wow, Brat...they sound eerily similiar to my sister and her worthless husband. But, in their case, the condom "broke" not once, not twice, but in June it'll be three times. According to them, they didn't know how it happened. Even though I distinctly remember my sister saying she wanted all her kids by age 30 (she's 27 now).
And what do they care? They're on public aid and foodstamps anyways. It's not like they'd have to pay for the hospital bill and baby stuff themselves.
I hate society sometimes.
Metal Maiden said:
I thought we were talking about bRaTs brother in law. ;)
Yeah, we were...but ya know, besides the pay per view event with you, brat, rem, subjects change so fast here.

Here's the required Anthrax related post...
Robin Williams mentions Anthrax on his Live On Broadway dvd...course, it's about the disease not the band.
remington69 said:
Wow, Brat...they sound eerily similiar to my sister and her worthless husband. But, in their case, the condom "broke" not once, not twice, but in June it'll be three times. According to them, they didn't know how it happened. Even though I distinctly remember my sister saying she wanted all her kids by age 30 (she's 27 now).
And what do they care? They're on public aid and foodstamps anyways. It's not like they'd have to pay for the hospital bill and baby stuff themselves.
I hate society sometimes.
They were getting public aid and foodstamps too, until they reached whatever limit the state has (didn't know there was one!) and they got cut off. That finally inspired my brother-in-law to get a job that he wouldn't fuck up. Finding a job is hard for him anyway, being a convicted felon and all, but on top of that, he's lost two good jobs that he did manage to find because of having porn on his work computer. :Smug:

When the condoms break that often, it's time to find a new method of birth control.
Yeah, but he came up with lame-ass stories and it took us a little while to get to the truth.

The first one, he claims he went in and asked for a raise, and when they said no, he quit. That's pretty smart, when you don't have anything lined up or anything. We found out later from my mother-in-law what really happened, because my sister-in-law got upset about it one night (probably drunk too) and told her. But we're not supposed to know. But his excuse to his wife was that it was a public computer, and he didn't do it, but since he was the IT guy, he got blamed for it being there.

The second one, of course, also wasn't his fault, because someone he knew sent him an email that had porn stuff in it and since he knew the person he opened it, and when he opened it, it just magically automatically forwarded it to everyone in his address book, including his boss, and he swears it's all the other person's fault, the one who sent it to him. Because he would NEVER have that on his work computer, EVER. That story we actually heard when he got suspended for it, but when he was fired a couple weeks later, that's the story they stuck to. Why it would take two weeks to decide to fire him after a suspension is a little beyond me, but that's the only version we got.
bRaTpRiNcEsS said:
Yeah, but he came up with lame-ass stories and it took us a little while to get to the truth.

The first one, he claims he went in and asked for a raise, and when they said no, he quit. That's pretty smart, when you don't have anything lined up or anything. We found out later from my mother-in-law what really happened, because my sister-in-law got upset about it one night (probably drunk too) and told her. But we're not supposed to know. But his excuse to his wife was that it was a public computer, and he didn't do it, but since he was the IT guy, he got blamed for it being there.

The second one, of course, also wasn't his fault, because someone he knew sent him an email that had porn stuff in it and since he knew the person he opened it, and when he opened it, it just magically automatically forwarded it to everyone in his address book, including his boss, and he swears it's all the other person's fault, the one who sent it to him. Because he would NEVER have that on his work computer, EVER. That story we actually heard when he got suspended for it, but when he was fired a couple weeks later, that's the story they stuck to. Why it would take two weeks to decide to fire him after a suspension is a little beyond me, but that's the only version we got.
Damn...weird stuff...did he learn not to open email without a preview pane?
Home sick tady. I need rest I guess but if I can. Had to go to the pharmacy, bank\grocery store and then vote in the primary. Then a home health nurse shows up looking for my mother in law, I'm like who, what she lives at the Christian Retirement Center. She gave out my phone # and address. Stupid, sick and twisted broad. I would have liked to have done the nurse though.
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