OT: Who gets the last word?

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I have no idea. I let someone borrow mine and he asked me. I was hoping someone would just remember off the top of their head. I should have the book back tomorrow so I can check for sure then.
Ragamuffin said:
I need a hand from the Stephen King fans here.

Ok, in the book Cujo there are references to some killings that happened before. Is this referencing another book?
Most likely it would be in reference to Dead Zone where John Smith helped the Sherriff in Cujo in solving some murders.
bRaTpRiNcEsS said:
I passed a reference in It the other day, about a cop who killed a bunch of people in Castle Rock. It sounds familiar, but I'm too lazy to do any looking. Any idea?
The Dead Zone
Dammit! We ordered dinner and when the food got here, I found out that I didn't get my tartar sauce and they put tomatos on my sandwich despite me ordering it with no tomatos. The fish was hot at one point, as the cheese was melted. But it wasn't hot by the time I got it. Plus, half of my fries were soggy and cold. :mad: My wife's food, however, was fine.

Ragamuffin said:
I need a hand from the Stephen King fans here.

Ok, in the book Cujo there are references to some killings that happened before. Is this referencing another book?
Wow!! Cujo! I haven't read that since I was 11 or 12. The movie sucked so bad. I remember the book being awesome.

Well, back to work. Work's been hell lately. It's been hard to get to the board.
SCott308 said:
Dammit! We ordered dinner and when the food got here, I found out that I didn't get my tartar sauce and they put tomatos on my sandwich despite me ordering it with no tomatos. The fish was hot at one point, as the cheese was melted. But it wasn't hot by the time I got it. Plus, half of my fries were soggy and cold. :mad: My wife's food, however, was fine.

That happens to me a lot, where my food completely sucks and his is just fine. That really blows. Especially since he always orders stuff that I wouldn't want to mooch off. I bet that's his plan.... :bah:
Just so you guys know, I'm getting rid of my Internet sometime in the next week or so. I'll still pop in from time to time and will check my email when I can, but I won't be a daily presence anymore until at least the end of April. Have too much other stuff going on and want to be rid of Cox as soon as I can. After we move and I finally decide on an ISP, I'll be back.

This should give you all a chance to catch up. :)
I think I'm the closest in this thread, but probably won't be gone long enuff for me to make a run at it. besides, would prefer ya here more to take some pot shots at...

It's gotta be dead zone. The Castle Rock books went, Dead Zone, Cujo, Dark Half, Needful Things. Might have missed one, but those are the one's I remember.
ThraxDude said:
Don't forget 'The Body' (from Different Seasons)!
I had forgotten that. I know the story, one of the only books the high school library had that I didn't. And I have yet to pick it up. I keep forgetting those stories. Don't think I even read the last one in that. Didn't really care for it when I tried to read it, and the first 3 ruled.

Always got to keep ya off guard there brat. Make a compliment not seem like one...
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