OT: Who gets the last word?

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we hired a new Manager and Director and things changed for the better for me because I get more work my way. My old boss was cool but did not give me too much direction. Anyway they need to promote. I wanna buy a truck :D
Riehlthing said:
Thinkin' Maiden's too good to reply to this thread anymore...sheesh. Since Brat started moving, it's been dead here.
Yeah, I think Maiden's a bit too good for the thread. She missed my birthday last month too. :)

ALthough I wasn't on for a while, so it could have been on here for a week and i would have missed it anyway. :lol:
Riehlthing said:
Yeah, sheesh...geez Maiden...

How's the fantasy baseball goin? I'm just glad I got my entire M's team. What's your favorite baseball team?
I'm actually splitting a couple leagues with my buddy. I help draft, we split the fees, he manages it all. I help out with moves/trades.

The online freebie--I'm Gasoline and a Match. My team has good hitting and bad pitching. Are you on that one?

I root for the Indians. I hate the Yankees!! I really like the Indians but man did they gut them a few years back. i think next year they may actually be competitive again. THey have a chance to be competititve this year if their pitching goes nuts!
I'm in 2 leagues, one is supposed to be serious, but I turned that into a Mariner's team. So my cousin came up with an idea, you choose your favorite team, (no Yankees) and your entire team is only that team. Unless your team is NL, you will get to choose one DH from an AL team as long as not on one of the other teams in our league. I have Mariner's of course, my cousin has Braves, one of his friends has Reds, and a coworker of mine has the Red Sox. We're doing the free yahoo ones.
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